Diary Game: A Chronicle Of My Activities For The 21st Of September, 2022. By @Aloydubem. 10% Set To @Steem4Nigeria.

in hive-147599 •  2 years ago 

Yesterday was a blessed and good day. There was good food to eat, time for relaxation, endless fun, and time for growth and study. I give thanks to the Almighty God for helping me make the most of yesterday.

Woke up late yesterday.

This is my diary game for yesterday, the 21st of September, a compilation of my activities. From things I did when I woke up to the ones I did before going to bed, here we go. And thanks for reading in advance.

My Activities During Morning Time ( 6am - 11:59am).

The backyard where I did some chores.

I woke up pretty late yesterday, it had already dawned fully when I woke. I usually wake this late because of a drug I take every night before sleep, some sort of antidepressant, I think. The drugs make me both oversleep and overeat.

I woke up with a feeling of laziness, I didn't go off to the bathroom right away to clean up. I spent some time gazing at the TV 📺 screen which was showing an interesting programme. 

After doing the needful, I took some breakfast. Yam porridge with greens. I didn't quite enjoy it because it's not my favourite meal, but I ate anyway. I carried out other necessary morning activities and chores.

My Afternoon Activities ( 12pm - 5:59pm).

After reading and study sessions.

Yesterday I did not go out at all, I was at home all through. So I had a lot of time to spend privately. I read Ebooks on my smartphone, like I do daily. Today I read mostly novels, like No Longer At Ease by Chinua Achebe, Things Fall Apart, A Man Of The People, etc, during the day and evening. I think they are really interesting books, you can give them a try.

I didn't take lunch at the exact time, I wasn't particularly interested in lunch today, but I did have some boiled corn 🌽 which were satisfying enough. 

My siblings watched a lot Television yesterday, and when I found spare time I joined to watch. They were mostly cinematic shows, programs and interesting movies. We just recently made a new DSTV subscription, so TV entertainment is always available.

I watched movies on my phone too. Mostly the Jarhead movies which depict the life of United States 💂 Marines, I find them particularly interesting especially Jarhead 2: Field Of Fire.

My Activities  During The Evening And Night ( 6pm-11:59pm).

The streets flowing with tiny traffic.

I had some conversations with my mom when she returned from school, she is a full-time teacher in one of the government schools. I then called my elder brother to remind him of something important we had discussed before. He resides in Onitsha, Nigeria.

Well, there weren't many chores to do yesterday, and there wasn't any socializing because I stayed indoors throughout. But yesterday was good because I spent it usefully in private, developing and improving myself, and organizing my affairs. And also having some fun, mostly the visual type of fun, I mean movies and shows.

Night came by 7pm, and at this time in my area there is often a lights-out, so the whole area is steeped in darkness with a few tiny lights illuminating the streets. The street lamps were off, but they came back later on.

I read some more and watched some more, on my phone. 

I soon moved off to charge my digital devices in a POS shop nearby. At the POS shop I had a lively discussion with some guys I met there. We had discussions on the current political happenings, and also sports and others. This was the first time I went out today. And I found it refreshing after spending a long time alone. I also had a brief discussion with a friend, much older than me, who lives in a house just across the street. Then I went in.

The household was abuzz with activity when I came in. My younger brother, Barnabas, was cleaning the restroom, my youngest sister, Gift, was cooking. I could hear my father's singing from his room at the farther end of the hallway. 

My mother came in just a few minutes later. She settled down to eat cucumbers and groundnuts, some of which she offered to me.

I read some more, and browsed the internet for a short while. It remained three more hours till the day expires. Bedtime was near. I heard someone in the passage saying something about the family night prayers. 

10:00pm. I am sitting in the living room, writing the day's diary game, while accessing certain files on my phone at the same time. I would soon take my drugs, eat (my late eating is caused by my drugs), and prepare for sleep. 

I take care of some difficult chores. I then head to the bathroom and take a cold bath. I do this in semi-darkness because the power is out at that moment.  

By 11:30pm prayer time is over, it lasted like 20 minutes. 

I take a little food, and then my drugs. I am going to bed next after I have done some important things, and concluded the diary game post. 


Yesterday was a day well spent for me.

Yesterday was quite pleasant, I spent the time doing meaningful and refreshing things. My only regret is that I didn't have time to go out and socialize with people. Even though I am a quiet and reserved person I sometimes enjoy being in the company of others. I give God the glory for all that happened yesterday. It was his grace that saw me through. 

I look forward to having an exciting tommorow, and I will keep you, my readers, updated with it's activities. 

Thanks for reading and God bless. Till I write to you again, keep living right and keep doing your best and may God be with you.

N.B: This is my alternate steemit account. I published this post here, because my main account, @aloychidubem was not accessible at the time. Thanks for your understanding.
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