Let's show how creative you are:- Drawing - Chameleon

in hive-147599 •  7 months ago 

19 August 2024
Bangladesh 🇧🇩


As-salamu Alaikum.
Hello Steemians! How's it going?
This is @arjinarahman .
I hope everyone is feeling fantastic today. I'm thrilled to announce that I'm jumping into an exciting contest within this vibrant "Steem4Nigeria" community.Under the guidance of @benton3 . Let's unleash our creativity and make this an unforgettable experience . Ready? Let's get started !!!!!

Drawing of a Chameleon & Information


My drawing which is designed with Canva



Finnal Work


Drawing tools

🟥 White paper
🟦 Pencil
🟪 Eraser
🟨 Shrapner
🟩 Gel pen
🟥 Color pencil


Drawing explanation of Chameleon

According to the community's requirements, today I am going to share my chameleon drawing with you all. I will now share with you step by step how I completed my drawing.

IMG_20240818_124236_122.jpgnecessary things

🔹To create the chameleon drawing, I first took a blank sheet of paper, a pencil, a gel pen, an eraser, and a sharpener.

lightly sketch by using pencilIMG_20240818_142215.jpg

🔹Using the pencil, I lightly sketched the outline of the chameleon. As you can see from the picture, the chameleon is perched on a branch.

IMG_20240818_143220.jpgChameleon skateh

🔹Once the light sketch was complete, I used the gel pen to clearly define the drawing.


🔹Next, using the gel pen, I created many small circular shapes on the top of the chameleon's head. Then I added grid-like shapes all over the chameleon's body.

added many small dotsIMG_20240818_144218.jpg

🔹In the middle of the body, I added many small dots using the pencil.


🔹I then created a shape right above the eye and filled it with many small circular patterns.


🔹At this stage, on the back part near the eye, I drew many tiny oval-shaped patterns.

IMG_20240818_145614.jpgspiral shapes

🔹After that, I added spiral shapes all over its body and drew thin snake-like shapes on the upper part of its body.

Drawing completeIMG_20240818_145851.jpg

🔹Looking at the picture, you can tell that my drawing phase is complete. Now I will move on to the next step, which is coloring.


🔹For coloring, I first chose the eye. I used two colors for the eye: red and blue.


🔹Next, I colored around the eye with red. I also used blue on a triangular portion behind the mouth.

IMG_20240818_164551_847.jpgcolor of behimd the eye

🔹For the small oval parts behind the eye, I used a combination of yellow,blue and green.

IMG_20240818_164924_921.jpgLower part of mouth color

🔹Next, I will color the lower part of the mouth, for which I used red and green.

Blue color in crescent shapeIMG_20240818_165239_924.jpg
using red in serpentine shapes

🔹In the middle of the body, I created a crescent shape and colored it blue. Then I moved on to the next step. I outlined the serpentine shapes on the chameleon's body and used red for those. From the picture, you can tell that the red coloring is now complete.

bent shapes in front legs
bent shapes in back legs

🔹Once the red part of the body was colored, I added bent shapes for the front legs and used red for them as well. After coloring the front legs, I added striped patterns to the back legs and used red there too.


🔹Now I will color the upper part of the chameleon's body. Before coloring, I lightly sketched a shape, and for this part, I used green. I started the coloring from the back of the head and went all the way to the tail.

Using Yellow colorIMG_20240818_171309_774.jpg

🔹Once the green coloring was done, I moved on to the white section beneath the blue, which I colored yellow.


🔹Next, I used orange for the section beneath the blue and extended it down to the tail.

IMG_20240818_172128_209.jpgusing green color in the lower side of i'ts body

🔹Looking at the picture, you can tell there are still some parts left to color. I used green for those remaining parts of the body, and with that, most of the body coloring was done.

Front lengs color
back legs color

🔹Now I will color the legs. I started with the front legs and used green. Once the front legs were done, I colored the back legs with the same green. I have now finished coloring the entire chameleon's body.

Color of It's branch

🔹Next, I will color the branch the chameleon is perched on. For this, I used a combination of orange and brown. I applied the colors in combination to the branch.

drawing complete with It's color

🔹From the picture, you can tell that my coloring is now fully complete.

Selfie with my drawingIMG_20240819_143955_847~3.jpg

🔹Finally, I captured a selfie with my chameleon drawing.

IMG_20240819_144844_869.jpgwith user name

🔹Drawing with user name & Date

🔹I am not very skilled at either drawing or coloring, but I have tried my best to present it nicely. Let me know in the comments how you liked my chameleon. Please forgive any mistakes!


I have tried to answer all the questions mentioned in the post below

Have you ever seen one?

Yes, I once saw a chameleon at my sister's house. These species are small to medium sized reptiles mostly in shades of green, brown and grey. They are capable of color changing with flexible bodies. Its long, thin tail helps it grip branches too. They creep through the trees slowly to avoid being preyed upon. One is that their eyes can rotate in different directions which enables them to watch for potential food and threats simultaneously.

What is it like and what does it do to save itself from danger?

Chameleons are able to change colors as a way of camouflaging themselves with their surroundings so that they cannot be noticed down by predators. They have special cells in their skin called "Chromatophores" that enable them to change colours based on the colour of what surrounds or even her mood. They are also slow moving so they can easily become invisible, however when needs they run fast or catch prey using his long tongue. They have developed eyes that enable them to spot enemies immediately at a distance.

Doe it in any way benefit humans?

Chameleons do not really affect humans directly , but they support the ecosystem. They consume pests which are destructive for plants, save crops by keeping away harmful bugs and reduce using of chemical pesticides. Farmers benefit from this natural pest control method. Moreover, chameleons play a role in the ecosystem by regulating insect infestations.


I invite following users for the contest



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