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Tradition practices had been in existence before we were born. Some these traditional practices are gradually fading away as a result how bad they are been perceived, civilization or on the basis of religion, while others are held intact by the various traditional institutions in the society. This implies that there are healthy and unhealthy traditional practices. With these views in perspective, I would be in agreement with @okere-blessing, that there are still unhealthy traditional practices being practiced till date. Through my participation in this contest, I would be making my position known in regards to the points raised by the host of this contest.
Just as I had pointed in my introduction, there traditions that when one takes a critical look on them, begins to question the reasons behind the practice of such traditions. When these traditons are carefully examined, one would have no option than to abandone the practices.
While there are those that keep all the traditions in practice, there are those that frowns at them. Coming from the angle of religoius background (christianity), it negates the practices of the traditions and so does not fall in line with the belief system.
The 3 traditional practices that I find most disgusting include the following:
Barnishment practices
Female genital mutilation practices
Traditional widowhood practices
This practice happens when one violates the traditions or values of the land. Here you default in the culture or tradions of the land, you would be forced out of the community. You would only return when you get pardoned by the decision of the elders of the land.
There is also another similar punishment that could be given to those that offends the tradition which is called ostracism. here, the offender would remain in the community but would not participate in any actvity or interact with anyone.
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This tradition is practiced on the notion that removing the female genital organs, would achieve the following:
To make women remain faithfull in their marriages
To make them lose sexual desire
To keep, maintain or protect their virginity
To shield them from being promiscous
The widowhood tradition is practice that forces a woman to take an oath to prove her innocence by drinking the water used to wash her husband's corpse when her husband dies.
As the society is rapidly undergoing growth in civilization, some traditions are fading away as others remain strong and intact. Some of the fading traditions include:
The masqurade cleansing
The widowhood tradition
The first son birth mark tradition
Female genital mutilation
Osu Tradition
The ekpe
The tradition that are still held in high regards
The new yam festival
Traditional marriage rites
The age grade induction and retirement tradition
Some certain events take place before traditions become legal include:
Pouring libations to the gods by the elders of the land
Presentation of kola before the commencement of traditional events.
Payment of dowry before a marriage is traditionaly certified.
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Finally, a careful study of some of the practices in enshrined in various traditions should be abolished. Those traditions inflicts pains and causes emotional damages to the victims.
I invite the following persons: