SEC15 WK1: "Life on Social Media"

in hive-147599 •  9 months ago  (edited)

Hello lovely members of steem4Nigeria community,I'm happy to share a post in this community for the first time . The topic of this contest is intriguing and I'll delve into it using the contest hints provided.i hope you enjoy reading it.
Social media are platforms where people interact with one another using the internet.

These platforms allow people to share their ideas, daily life, and businesses online. Some of these platforms are, Facebook, Instagram,X, WhatsApp, to mention but a few. Some of these platforms are web-based while some are applications. Social media allow people to share their pictures, videos, voices etc with others even people they may not know.



Do you support that our daily lives should be put up on social media all the time?

Well, it is true that a lot of people do not control the things that they put up on social media.they are so engrossed in the use of social media that they feel it is okay to share all aspects of thier life on social media. Personally I don't support this and I don't do it. Firstly because once you put out you information on the internet you lost control over it.

Truth is, you can't control who gains access to the information you put up and you certainly can not control how they will interpret that information or how the will use it. Secondly, people who put out sensitive information about themselves on social media could be victim of vile acts such as robbery, impersonation, blackmail etc.

Thirdly, the internet never forgets, people put up their lifestyle that may not be very appealing. But as time goes on, they may want to change their life style. But their past life style could haunt them in the future because the things the posted on social media years back could be dug up and used against them. So I think putting up every aspect of our daily lives on social media is not a very great idea.



Have you ever experienced or seen any case where a person has the habit of showcasing his life on social media and the effects turned out well?

First of all puting up or showcasing one's life one social media sends a bad signal, it shows that the person needs validation from others to feel good about themselve. It can also signify insecurity and unhappiness because the truth is people who are happy don't need to go to length and breadth to show others that they are happy . They do not need to make a showy display of what they have in other to get validation from others. It is only those who are only but packaging their life ( as we say in Nigeria) as it were that seek validation through putting up fake lifestyle on social media.

So no, showcasing one's life one social media does not speak well of the person at all and it definitely does not end well. Though I haven't personally experienced it but they are many stories of people who put their life and that of their family members in danger by showcasing their life on social media.

Do you think all the showcase on social media are true?

Not all showcasing on social media are true. Some people come to lie on social media in other to feel important. They portray fake luxurious lifestyle some even go to the extent of borrowing car, clothing accessories and even phone to appear rich on social media while they are struggling in real life.



Do you feel safe on steemit with your information,What can you say about steemit?

Well Steemit Is web based platform. I feel it is more secure than other platforms because of the verification processes and the private keys given to individual users of the platform. Users get to learn a lot of positive things from one another and they get make good friends and also get rewarded for their contributions so I feel Steemit is wonderful web based platform.



I invite @bossj23, @kemsyluv and @uduak01

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Hello @blessb, your post on life on social media has been a rather intriguing piece post to read. Indeed social media users should be more cautious with what they put out there.

Also, truly not all social media flauntings and show case is actually true. We should be really be careful with what we adopt and accept into our lives.

This is a beautiful piece, all the best friend and thank you so much for the invite. I will endeavour to do well by participating also in this contest.

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It's actually, I'm 100% with you because the way people are living now they think that living fake life is the best way of living to impress others. I have seen so many cases whereby someone is trying to look rich so that his family members will not think that is not doing well. Another thing is that many people post everything about their life without being conscious of what might happen in the future. So my dear, I really enjoyed you entry. Congratulations.

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Hello @blessb hope your day is going well.Yes you are right that we shouldn't share every detail of our lives on social media as it can lead to loss of control over personal information and potential risks like robbery or blackmail.

Not all social media displays are truthful; some people fake a luxurious lifestyle, risking their safety. Being mindful of what we share online is essential for personal security and well-being and yes Steemit is a safe platform.

Thank you so much for your comment.

Thanks for the invitation I have also participated it is good to know that interested people like you also participate invest interesting topic. You have enumerated some points that shows why we shouldn't display our life on social media but one of the one silent point is that internet never forget

Thanks for your comment

I love the fact you stated that the internet never forgets. A lot has happened this past few months in Nigeria and lots of stuff have been dug out to tarnish image of people who later changed or desist from their previous lifestyle…

I appreciate your comment.

Me personally I can't post my personal life on social media, because just like karma, one day that post might come back and hurt you in the future. And we really need to not believe everything we see on the media, thanks for enlightening me more with this post
I wish you success on your entry

I appreciate your comment

Putting up sensitive information on the social media space is very very improper because it could be used against us. The use of social media these days has brought about more cybercrimes and bullying because people always want to share things about their lives and in the end they get bullied.

You have written Your thoughts about this particular topic well and I would say I had a great time on your post.

Thank you so much

That's true, the internet never forgets, i have seen peoples past been used against them on social media

Hi @blessb.

I think your point of view in terms of validation looking for some people on social networks. Actually, to be happy, you don't need to be a exhibitionist or show a luxurious life, happiness is something else.

Good post. It has been a great pleasure to read you. Regards.

I appreciate your comment.

Estimado @blessb 🌟

¡Qué emocionante tu primera entrada en la comunidad steem4Nigeria! 🚀 Tu exploración sobre compartir nuestras vidas en redes sociales es increíble. 😲 La pérdida de control, los riesgos potenciales y el impacto duradero en línea son reveladores. 🤯 Tus reflexiones sobre la necesidad de validación y los peligros potenciales resuenan profundamente. 👥 ¡Las historias cautelares añaden un toque fascinante! 📚 Por último, tu perspectiva positiva sobre la seguridad y la participación comunitaria en steemit es , sinceramente, impresionante. 🌈 ¡Bien hecho!

Thank you so much