My Neighborhood Watch #21 - Reporting Events Around us

in hive-147599 •  11 months ago 


Hello, stemmian being a minute. I'm excited to be part of this week's diary game. Thank you @xkool24 for the opportunity always to be able to share what's going on around us with people living far from us.

Activities going on around my neighborhood

Jumat Prayer

Today is Friday and some of us know what it means to the Muslim or in Islam. Friday is considered a blessed day in Islam. The Jumu'ah prayer is obligatory for adult Muslim men, and while it's not obligatory for women, they are also encouraged to attend if possible. The sermon during Jumu'ah often includes guidance on ethical, social, and spiritual matters. Jumu'ah is considered a special day in Islam, and Muslims gather at mosques for a sermon and a congregational prayer.

The significance of Jumu'ah is derived from the Islamic belief that it was on a Friday that the first man, Adam, was created, and it is said to be the day of the week on which various significant events in Islamic history occurred. Muslims believe that attending the Jumu'ah prayer is not only a religious duty but also an opportunity for spiritual growth and community bonding

The importance of Jumu'ah extends beyond the prayer itself. It's a day when Muslims seek forgiveness, engage in acts of charity, and strengthen their connection with Allah. Many Muslims also use this day for self-reflection and to renew their commitment to living a righteous life. Friday

Picture from my phone

People going about their daily activities

A lot usually happens on Fridays. The whole neighborhood gets so busy every Friday with different activities. There are lots of hawkers on the road. Plenty of people moving about. Cars waiting for passengers and lots more. While I was reflecting on my day and wondering how others go about their day, I came out and saw a lot of activities going on. I don't usually like a noisy environment and seeing how people were moving around I started feeling a headache.

Fridays in nigeria is like independence day, so much activities. From party to larty, weddings, games and loys more. You should visit nigeria of yoi are yet to.


picture from my phone

Sunny Day

Is that time of the year again, that time when you can only see afar with a sun shade 😂 we call that time of the year harmattan in Nigeria. During the harmattan season, the air is generally dry, and the absence of significant cloud cover allows the sun to shine brightly. While the sunshine can bring a pleasant warmth, it also contributes to the dry conditions, sometimes leading to drought-like situations and challenges for agriculture.

The unique combination of atmospheric conditions makes for picturesque and memorable sky scenes in this part of Africa where we experience harmattan. I partially lobe the dry season but if it's sunny condition. I pity people who bleach their skin during this period.

picture from my phone

In conclusion.
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I'm also inviting @bossj23, @allison001, and @emmy01 to participate in this contest.,

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