Steemit Engagement Challenge (SEC)| S12W2- "Self Motivation"steemCreated with Sketch.

in hive-147599 •  last year 

Steem greetings from the motherland-Cameroon @everyone. It is another awesome week of engagement challenges and I am happy to participate in this week's challenge in the steem4nigeria community.

That said, the topic for discussion this week focuses on "Self Motivation". This is an interesting topic and I hope readers find pleasure in reading through my ideas.

My image edited on Pixelcut.

What do you think causes people to lose their motivation in life?

Self-motivation is a way of encouraging yourself and facing your challenges without depending on someone. It kind of makes someone to be committed to achieving your set goals despite setbacks.

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That said, according to me, people tend to lose self-motivation due to the inability to set goals. In life, if you want to be successful, you need to set goals and work towards achieving the goals. Once you cannot set your goals, any setback makes you easily lose confidence in yourself. You start using words like “I can't do this”, “It's more than me”, etc. Using such statements only causes you to lose motivation.

Also, one can lose motivation in life due to some transitions in life such as the death of a dear one in your life or if you are in a state of depression . In such a situation, they find it difficult to move on and face life.

Lastly, one can tend to lose self motivation when experiencing self doubt. You do not have confidence of yourself and turn to depend on others. Once those you solely depended on failed to support you, no self confidence to forge ahead. Your mind is limited to only seeing challenges and cannot think of ways to better yourself.

Have you been discouraged or depressed before? How did you handle It.?

I always believe that life has a way of treating us even if we do not plan for it. But in such circumstances, only the brave can handled such situations. I am not in different as I once faced such moments in my life that I thought of giving up.

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This happened during my post grad studies in South Africa. We had some racists lecturers who were bend at frustrating our studies especially international students in the department. During the first months, I almost gave up on my studies but was motivated by some Nigerian friends/classmates.

We wrote a complaint to the university hierarchy and the lecturers involved were sanctioned.

Is self-motivation a good practice? Explain

Of course, it is a yes for me because, without self-motivation, you will hardly achieve anything in life. As I earlier made mentioned earlier, life has its own way of treating us. This goes with the adage that “…not all that glitters is gold…”.

I used to say challenges will faced human beings, not trees. When there is no self-motivation when faced with challenges, you easily give up because all you see and think of are the challenges you see.

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Self-motivation kind of boosts your morals to face any setback in life. In the nutshell, self-motivation gives positive energy and boost your confidence.

On Steemit what keeps you motivated?

I love writing and I found Steemit to be that place where I can share my ideas.

Another thing that keeps me motivated on Steemit is the reward we gain from creating quality content. The reward is extra income for me and will benefit my family in one way or the other.

Also, the friends I met on the platform made me stay committed. There are true friends on Steemit who care about your well-being to the extent that when I go inactive, they contact me on WhatsApp or Discord, to find out what is wrong and also motivate me to stay committed.

This is the end of my discussion and I will invite @pelon53, @majerius, @fombae, @solaymann, @josepha and @eliany to share their entries to the contest.

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  ·  last year (edited)

For me self motivation is a keen reason for achieving goals and also for less expectations where you don’t need anything/anybody for survival only yourself. I am so much amazed when I stumbled upon this article it was like my mind was taking me to the right place to be at.

I appreciate your support and I'm glad you find pleasure in reading through my post.

Please follow back dearie

Please kindly follow back to assist grow my account

Saludos amiga

Ciertamente la motivación nos permite ir tras los objetivos que nos hemos planteado en la vida, sin ella sería muy difícil lograr cumplir nuestros sueños por eso la automotivación es importante.

Existen muchísimos motivos por los cuales la gente se siente desmotivada, tienes razón en aseverar que la muerte de algún ser querido es uno de ellos, también el hecho de tener deudas o de no alcanzar en corto tiempo los deseos que tenemos.

En este mismo muchas las cosas que nos hacen felices sobre todo el compartir contenido y que sea valorado y recompensado y los amigos que aquí hacemos.

Te deseo buena suerte y éxitos con tu participación

I appreciate your support on my content and I wish you good luck in your entries. 🙌🙌


Thank you for inviting me, and good luck to you.

I wish you a good chance with your entries to the challenge.

Has dicho algo muy cierto amiga cuando perdemos la confianza en nosotros mismos ya no hay motivación que valga por eso es muy importante confiar en nosotros mismos para poder seguir tras nuestra meta y siempre decirnos yo si puedo y lo voy a lograr esa es la mejor manera de automotuvarse, acaben steemit tu gran motivación es que puedes escribir que es lo que te gusta hacer además de conocer grandes amigos

Confidence is the key to unlocking self-motivation. If you are not confident in yourself, then you will never be motivated to take any action to change your life.

Dear, I am inspired by your writing. I need to write as well as you. I like your writing very much. You said failure in goal setting leads to loss of self-motivation. Wrote the eternal truth. Then he wrote that when a person dies, motivation is often lost. You wrote amazingly. Good luck with your writing.

Awww, thank you for finding pleasure in reading through my content. You will write better than I do, just keep writing🫶✌️.

I already feel motivated reading your write up, I also had a lecturer that discriminated, not racist though, just everyone in the department. He really frustrated us but we couldn't report being that he was the head of his department. Thank God for self Motivation, I managed to survive that course.

Self motivation is an effective tool that keep us moving toward achieving our success. Depression is real and is not the only solution to our problem. We must find every possible way to fight it back so that it will not affect our target goals. Best of luck