Hi everyone , always happy to be here , its a great day today am always happy every day when i wake up in the morning because its another day to be grateful. I was excited because its my exercise day,i started first with my online prayer meeting, it was awesome, i was filled with so much joy after the early morning prayers i proceeded to my exercise field for my workout. Arriving there i was the only one , i waited for a while before my coach arrives , it was a joyful moments , we started up with our aerobic exercises , it was really fun, so much to do and achieve within hours , still on the aerobics and other activities , i really had fun.
After that i proceeded to the basket ball court to have some fun, i did that within 30 minutes i had to leave because i was already exhausted also i had to go home to prepare breakfast for the family , my kids were already waiting for me so i had to leave to take care of the family , reaching home i was welcome with great hugs from my kids and i went straight to the bathroom to have a shower ,then i moved to the kitchen to cook. i had to prepare my home made tombrown cereals prepared by me .
set aside the good ones for washing - wash thoroughly and spread out for drying
Dry properly depending on the level of sunlight
Make sure its properly dried.
After drying properly you put all together in a blender and grind all together to be very smooth , after getting that perfect smoothness you can preserved it in a clean dry container or a clean ziplock bag for proper preservation make sure its properly sealed , this is how mine came out.
How i prepared my tombrown for eating
Very easy to prepare , i stir it with warm water in my pot until its properly mixed together
I take it to the fire
Cook it on a very low flame
Stir continuously until its properly cooked
Then you can bring it down and add your favourite milk and i love dat soya beans protein i bought from the super market i love adding it to every cereal its highly nutritious and it will turn o u t very great ,you can eat the delicious meal with beans cake, bread ,biscuits , cakes,chinchin and pies etc.
Laundry Time
I love doing my laundry by myself and i also love doing that on Wednesday because of my tight schedule on other days so wednesday os always perfect for me, wow i had alot to wash so i gather my clothes and started washing ,that took up to 2 hours am keeping a close eye on the time .
After washing all that i had to rush to the mini markert in our neighbourhood because i had to hurry and prepare lunch.
Lunch Hours
It was already lunch time so i needed to Hurry up so as to meet up with time,i thought about the easiest food to prepare because time was running and i arrived at white rice and peppersoup very quickly, i had rice so i just needed a few stuff for my pepper soup
My ingredients for peppersoup are
Seasoning cubes
Fresh pepper
Scent leaf
Salt ,ginger and garlic etc
That is all i need for my chicken peppersoup
So i boiled my rice ,wash it and perboiled with little salt and wait so it to soft
On the other side of the gas i wash my neatly pieces chicken properly, rinse properly , cook it on fire with my blended ginger and Garlic, add my seasoning cubes,pepper and salt and cook my chicken very well , i cook until its ready to eat and i finally added my neatly washed and cutted scent leaves i added it and my peppersoup was ready to eat , it came out so delicious .
still checking the time because i had to be in church for midweek service. After the lunch i went to my back yard to weed out some unwanted grasses in my yard , i did that for an hour ,still checking my time i had to hurry up so i can meet up with time.i did a small portion.
I needed to reserved some strength for service so i had to stop ,enter the house, take a shower and prepare for service.
My evening hours
I had already prepare my clothes for service and my shoes were set i had to choose from these two shoes,
After that i was set for service ,i showered ,tidied up , got dressed and started heading to church , the distance was quite far but i had to sit in the tricycle patiently to reach my destination which is my church ,when we finally arrived i met the worship and prayer sessions , i had to joined in the activities and blend in. I waited with so much participation and expectant for the word of God to arrive and there it came.
The Word
The word came with the topic: The five (5) important effects of prayer.
Firstly what is prayer : prayer is our way of communicating to God.
It can also mean fellowshipping with God.
It can also be an act of requesting for help or expressions pf thanks addressed to God .
The importance of prayers can't be overemphasized in the life of a Christian , its our daily lives, its something we cant do without, as a Christian we cant live an effective Christian life without prayers.
With so much bible references given , the pastor went on to tell us the effects of prayer , bible references taken from matt 6 vs 10, Heb 4 vs 16, 1corinth 14 vs 12, Acts 4 vs 32 etc.
The effects of prayers are
- we enforce the will of God.
- we invoke the mercy of God.
3)we speak mysteries.
4)we terminates and injects the agenda of the devil . - we make divine exchange.
That was what i learnt from service today , it was actually a good and a great day for me , hope you enjoy going through this
Thanks lot @ngoenyi, @ goddybest and @Alli001
And to everyone supporting me thank you so much am grateful.