Hello friends welcome to my blog
I just hope my wishes come through. It is said that wishes are your desires for a thing or personal dreams you cannot get at the moment but you long for it to provide comfort and happiness. Although people's wishes differ, some might not long for Material things but for peace of mind, sound health, love, etc. However, I have wished to have many things before the year runs out, but the special thing that I have wished to have is my car because it's a priority compared to my other wishes and will also give me access to achieving my other wishes.
A car is of great necessity to me; it enables run errands swiftly. Where I live there are some hours of the day you cannot get public transport, those times you can only go out to wherever you want to with a private car, and this regulates your movement. So, having a personal car would be of great benefit to me, and I wish I could get one before the year runs out and begin a mobility-stress-free new year.
It will also help me achieve many set targets that have had setbacks because of mobility. Additionally, providing an extent of flexibility and comfort.
Wow, I am going to be enternally grateful to the person and return this act of kindness in the little way I can by gifting that person a valuable gift I can afford, being open to offer help and support to the person whenever he or she needs it, and most importantly remember such person in my prayers.
I will also announce this act of kindness to people around me so they can recognise and appreciate what this person has done for me.
Sure, granting people's wishes gives hope, life, and Joy to the person who had that wish. I am willing to be a conveyer of that hope, life and Joy by granting peoples wish. In that case, I am open to granting people wishes that are within capacity. So that people can also know that some wishes can come through.
When we spread love the world will be filled with happy people.
I am inviting @woka-happiness, @rossnenye and @mkgirl77