Welcome here friend.
What do you understand by the word hospitality?
Hospitality means hosting someone in a friendly way. Hospitality is about caring for someone in such a way that the person feels happy about her or being hosted. Hospitality is far beyond welcoming someone to your house, providing shelter, and water, and making someone feel loved and Happy is what I understand by the word hospitality.
In a world where sometimes the "helper" becomes a "victim," should we still show hospitality? What's your take? Explain.
Yes, I think we should still show hospitality even if sometimes as a helper will become a victim. Charity is what the Bible teaches us and providing hospitality is the best thing we can do for anyone who needs help we shouldn't look at what people always say each time we try to help. I think what we need to do, is to be cautious with the way we do things rather than looking at what people are saying because whatever one does people must talk.
Have you ever received unforgettable hospitality from someone? How was it? And why is it unforgettable?
Yes, I have never received unforgettable hospitality from someone. It was my guy in school that should be a genuine hospitality. While I was in school thieves came into my room and robbed me including my foodstuffs and money, which the next day I went to my friend's lodge and stayed for more than 2 weeks. Throughout my stay at my friend's place, he showed me genuine hospitality ensuring that I felt comfortable in his house, eating whatever I liked and he was so kind to me.
Do you consider yourself a hospitable person State instances.
Yes, I consider myself a hospitable person because I have been hospitable to a lot of people in my life. I have openly welcomed a stranger into my home, and I treated the stranger very well, I have also provided for the needy and a lot of good things which I have done.
When showing hospitality to people, how should it be done? Tell us.
When showing hospitality to people, it should be done in a way that is appealing to God and the people to whom we are showing hospitality. We should be nice and friendly to whosoever that we are showing hospitality to. We should be kind, and we shouldn't be boastful of ourselves when showing hospitality.