Contest Alert: "LOVE AND MONEY"

in hive-147599 •  4 months ago 
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Hello friends and welcome to my article once again in this great community. I would be sharing my thoughts and hope for the best too in this interesting contest.

Have you ever been served breakfast, I mean (heartbreak) or do you know anyone who has had a heartbreak. Share with us

Heartbreak is a constant activity that occurs in society, experiencing heartbreak is indeed so painful, I'm here to share heartbreak and breakfast I server someone back in the days. Sonia was a college course mate of mine back then, she was very smart topping the class and doing very well in academics.

Moreso, she was interested in me, well I'm a disciplined guy who doesn't tolerate nonsense from anyone, she would area glances at me, it was so embarrassing at most times because she smiled we we locked eyes, it irritated me at some point, she stated with her green lights ad stated making advances, I knew exactly everything she wanted.

I asked her out to be my girlfriend and she quickly obliged. Sonia was so clingy and wanted to be with me, was it obsession? I can't tell but it pissed me off I hated to be treated so much like a baby, she was always by my side, nosing through my phone and looking over her shoulder to know if I was seeing another girl. Are you my mother? Well I came up with a plan

jd-mason-4eRATsC7zTY-unsplash.jpgsourcebreakfast served hot to Sonia

Importantly, I called her to cook me a good meal, it was her first time cooking in my house. She flip flopped and I was shocked. She can't cook a regular meal, I had found the perfect time to say goodbye! I woke her as early s 5:00a.m. What better time to serve breakfast!! It seems funny but it wasn't, I told her I'm done and narrated all the red flags she was really hurt and cried for months.

"Does genuine love without money exist? Explain"

Personally, I feel genuine love without money never exists! I call it suffering ad smiling. How can you love someone and be in pan due to lack of money. I would call it the Love Crucifix Money is the fuel that love runs on. Paraphrase, money is the life wire that powers love.

Moreover, if you love somone without money, it's duly advices to leave it in your head as a fantasy In your hands when you don't have money it is a criminal act and should be stopped. Therefore, I strongly believe genuine love without money does not exist. If you love someone you cannot be happy seeing them suffer in pain in your hands out of poverty! Its a honorable thing to do too.

If you were given the opportunity to choose between Mont and love which would you prefer? State your reason

I would always prefer money. I guess you can buy love with money! It's a big fact ad everyone naturally falls in love with success, therefore money is proof of success! Importantly, with money love would definitely find you. But its more difficult the other way round.

It is true that money answers to all things in your own understanding, can money answer to love?

Money is a love language, it can earn love and it can buy love, it could also bring respect in places of love and be the great bounty you bring to the table in a relationship. It is a tool of authority and dominance. It can make your lover do your bidding. With money love become sweet, money is a love language if most people therefore Money answers all things I invite @impersonal @paholags @cive40 to share their thoughts in the contest

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For your mind now you served a lady breakfast. But your reasons were not good enough that means you don't love her at first. If she was wealthy I think you would have managed her despite the fact that she can't cook.

It happened and this is not coming from a place of pride by from a place of discipline and going for the best. Courtesy demands that an Africa lady should know how to cook!

Hola amigo.
Un amor tan obsesivo tampoco es bueno ,más bien puede ser peligroso. Fue una sabía desición dejar a Sonia.

Y en una relación cuando el dinero se acabe esa persona se alejara de ti y quedarás solo.
Entonces vivirás así, te buscarán solo por interés. Te costará encontrar alguien que te ame de verdad y no le importe tu dinero, éxito en eso 😉

Gracias por la invitación a participar

You are very welcome appreciate your efforts once again stopping by. I'm glad you shared your thoughts here and also optimistic that you would drop your entry soon.


¡Holaaa amigo!🤗

La obsesión jamás va a ser algo bueno... Soy partidaria de que debemos ser muy cuidadosos con este tipo de relaciones ya que, al final de todo, lo que acarrean es problemas.

Como bien dicen por allí... El dinero es la raíz de todos los males y, si en una relación esto es lo que está dominndo, lamentablemente allí no habrá buen resultado.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚

I graciously thank you so much for studying my article and dropping these thoughtful words if inspiration. I'm glad you did so my dear friend and cheers to you too.