Hi steemians,
Its my pleasure to show my participation at this moment in this great community of steem4niigeria. I am glad to be among this great platform because its a platform where qn individual learn alot unless such a person is not ready to pick up and learn. A special thanks to this amazing community for bringing the topic; Experience in Boarding school and I know you will enjoy reading.
Have you or someone close to you experienced life in a boarding school? Would you like to share the experience?
Yes! This is a direct story of my knees. Her experience in the boarding school was a very terrible one. All if a sudden she started crying on phone that she wants to come home and she is always mute whenever I as to know why she wants to come home.
After much pressing on her, she opened up and said she hardly sleep at night, she sees different creatures at night that scares her. At that point, I felt so much for her and for the fact that she doesn't sleep at night, I had to pick her from boarding school to a day school.
Will you love to send your kids to a boarding school? Please give your reasons.
Not at all. The world today is a very different one from that of the past 10 years ago. No place is safe right now, I wouldn't want to take my children to a boarding school due to somany stories I hear from tye victim especially that of my knees.
I know and understand that boarding school teache a child wisdom and discipline but personally, I would love my child grow wit me, lean from me and be disciplined by myself which I think it will be more safer.
What have been the experiences trying to relate to, bond or to adjust a kid after spending years in a boarding facility?
When a child become adopted to a life in school especially the boarding school it will be very difficult for such a child change and become what a parents would wat his or her child to be and that is the more reason why I would prefer my child to grow with me so I can bend him or her to the taste I want. Honestly, trying to bend a child to what you would want after spending years in the boarding school is always hard.
Do boarding school really produce people who are ready and able to cope with the reality of life without the traditional parental guidance?
Yes it does. You know mist children who has passed through boarding school can actually come with the reality of life without the traditional parents guidance because when they go to school, for about three months, they stay alone, take care of themselves and its just like they are parenting themselves in school until they go home to meet their parents again so, with such experience, such a child can survive alone.
Can the discipline obtained from such institution equal that of the parents at home? What can't be learned in a boarding facility? Do you think they are missinoutnt of any important aspect of their development?
Not at all. The discipline differes and cannot be equal. A parent woukd dicipline a child in love but the discipline a teacher will give a child might be out of hatred or because such a student refuses his or her proporsal.
Now,I believe that a female Child should be disciplined by her parents in every aspect especially in the kitchen, how to wash clothes, keep the house neat and so on so I feel they are missing and important aspect of their development especially the female students.
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