Steemit Engagement Challenge S2W3 | Steem4Nigeria Contest | Prepara una receta típica de tu país Envueltos de plátano Zulianos #club75

in hive-147599 •  2 years ago 
Muy Buenos días, tardes o noches para ti que visitas la comunidad #steem4nigeria y conformas el mundo de #steemit, mis más cordiales saludos espero te encuentres muy bien y lleno de energía, en esta oportunidad vengo a publicar nuevamente en esta comunidad una receta queue es típica de mi país específicamente de mi estadfo natal Zulia.

Envueltos de Plátano


  • Plátano maduro
  • Queso semiduro
  • Harina de trigo
  • Leche
  • Huevos
  • Aceite
  • Azucar
  • Sal
  • Polvo para hornear
  • Vainilla

Primero para comenzar el platano lo corto en tajadas y empiezo a freirlo, luego que esté listo hago una especie de sanduche y lo coloco uno sobre otro colocando una rodaja de queso en medio


Proceso de cocinar los plátanos © All rights reserved @devi2021

Por otro lado preparo la mezcla para hacer panquecas con dos huevos una taza de leche 2 cucharadas de aceite, 2 cuacharadas de azucar, una pizca de sal y harina de trigo hasta obtener la consistencia esperada.


Preparando mezcla para cubrir los plátanos © All rights reserved @devi2021

Luego los sanduches de plátano con queso los sumerjo en la mezcla de panquecas y luego los llevo al sarten a sumergirlos en abundante aceite vegetal para freirlos y de esa manera ya se terminó la preparación.



Solo queda comerse el rico plato, muy típico de mi región, yo no suelo prepararlo muy seguido debido a que es frito y evito comer frituras y realmente el platano maduro lo prefiero horneado ya que de esta manera absorbe mucho aceite pero a pesar de eso queda muy sabroso, si tienen las oportunidad de realizar la receta es muy sencilla y deliciosa, espero se atrevan a realizarla


Te presento losm envueltos de plátano © All rights reserved @devi2021

Aprovecho la oportunidad para invitar a mis compañeros steemians @zmoreno @styngrey y @solopast a mostrarnos alguna rfeceta típica que sepan preparar.


Así quedo © All rights reserved @devi2021

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22/04 to 22/06Power UpWithdrawalRefund%

Adjunto al final reembolso de transferencia por 68 steems,
Esta nota para certificar #club75


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Ripe banana
semi-hard cheese
Wheat flour
baking powder

This is so wonderful to see that your country offer so many delicacy such as ripe bananas which on my country it is consume using rice and beans which really nurishesthe body and also help in goodigestion

Es una receta sencilla, pero se ve que es realmente buena. No he tenido la oportunidad de probarlos, pero con este excelente tutorial que nos has dado, voy a animarme a prepararlos .

Éxitos en el concurso.

Aww. The food look yummy and delicious you know

Ripe banana
semi-hard cheese
Wheat flour
baking powder
I am sure I have never eaten cook/fried ripe plantain. And you showed the steps of preparing it very well. I am sure I can follow the steps and prepare the same dish.
Thank you

I would love if you prepare it! The people from my region are the most gorditos (that means fat) from the whole country and as I always say everything fried is always the most delicious! Even though I avoid it but sometimes it is ok to eat them, thanks for your visit I appreciate it

  ·  2 years ago (edited)

Banana and cheese is a nice blend that I love. I will definitely make this recipe and try you have presented the steps clearly so it is easy to understand too.

It would be so nice if you prepare it! I assure it is delicious! I am a platano lover I eat every day and all the ways possible, thanks for your visit and your kind comment, my best regards

My friend, your recipe for making this dish is very informative for me. I have never seen such a dish in my whole life but it looks very delicious. I want to eat it and I will try to make it soon. Your step-by-step recipe for this recipe is also exciting. Thanks for sharing with us. I wish you all the best for this competition.

I am also waiting for your valuable comment on my post. I hope you will visit.

Greetings 🇵🇰

I would love if you prepare it it is delicious and that assure me how steemit always Keeps us in a constant learning and improving ourselves, thanks for your visit, my best regards

Oh my God, this meal look so yummy and takeaway, I hope it will reach my side oooh. Because I so much love banana 😍 preparing this meal is not that hard, I think I will try it one of this days. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us. I wish you all the best.

My friend many thanks for your visit! If you love plantain as much as I do you are going to be eating this very often, here we are plátano lovers in my country and specifically in the region where I live we do everything with it, if you do it let me know so we can demonstrate hoe steemit influence us in the best way, always learning and interacting with new and nice people around the world, my best regards

Ok ma, I will do as you said. Anytime I try making this your delicious meal I will definitely inform you.thank you🤗

In all of the publication as regard this community contest I find your dish one of the best I have encountered, you explanation to the end result is understandable, I have tried several fried plantain, but not with cheese
I will ensure to practice his to make this dish in my own using your recipe and demonstration

Greetings and blessings

Banana is one fruit that I like so much, seeing all this ingredients, I will definitely try it out.

Nice publication.

Que rico. Con lo que me gusta el plátanos, gracias por esta receta que compartes con todos.
Éxito y bendiciones.

Waooh I am impressed with your recipe indeed I love plantian so much and look at the way you have prepared yours is making me having taste for it. Thank you for sharing.

I like banana fruit a lot. You shared with us today a very nice recipe using bananas. Although I have never eaten it, it looks like it will be much tastier to eat. A very unique recipe to me

i am very glad you liked my post it is very unique it is typical from my state, it is not found in the whole country, I am a banana lover too so I am sure you would love to taste it, my best regards

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Manual Curator : @Reminiscence01

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Que pecado solo observar y no comer, me encanta esta receta puedo sentarme y comerme unos cuantos sin parar!

Amiga gracias por compartir tu receta super especial!

Saludos y Éxitos!

@devi2021 excelente bocadillo me quede esperando mi ración jajajajajajajaj

Banana Wraps

I must say that the banana wraps look really lovely and appetising.

What you have placed inside is making me love it more and more. You have mixed and fried it so well. From your pictures I can just know that it will be soft enough.

One other nice thing is that you can actually find all the ingredients in Ghana and must say that for this one dierr I will be trying it out. I love it. Simply love .

Thanks for sharing this wonderful recipe.

Thanks for your visit if you prepare it I would love to know what you think about it, thanks for your comment too, my best regards