in hive-147599 •  2 years ago  (edited)

Good day everyone I hope you are all doing well I am so excited to be a member of steemit my write-up today is about dangerous of drug abuse among youth


Drug abuse can be defined as the improper use of drugs without the prescription of a qualified medical personal. But in our society today, the issue of drug abuse among youth is getting worse by the day because of it's negative effect. The most commonly abused drugs by our youth are; cocaine, Indian hemp, heroine, tramadol, etc. All these mentioned above are hard drugs which causes a lot of damages in the body system.


Dangers of drug abuse among youth are;

-High rate of madness among youth: In the society, there are a lot of youth who get insane either partial or full grown as a result of hard drugs. This drugs destroy the fragile part of the brain as a result leading to madness.

-High rate of criminality among youth: The effect of this hard drugs has made a lot of youth get into robbery in order to meet up the money for buying hard drugs. In some cases, they commit any crime after injecting the hard drugs without considering the consequences.

-Addiction: If a person get addicted to drugs, it is always difficult to abstain from it. This is the reason we have a lot of issues travelling in the airport to countries because of carrying hard drugs around due to addiction. This has caused a lot of problems in marriages, businesses and academics. Even among parents and their children.

-Death: They are large cases of untimely death among youth as a result of drugs abuse. This number of cases is not encouraging in our society.


In my own opinion, we can discourage drug abuse among our youth by educating the youth on the bad effect in the use of hard drugs and also parents should contribute by monitoring their affairs of the their children and the kind of peers they associated with.

Government should play an important role by punishing offenders who injects and sell hard drugs in order to promote a good living among the the youth in the society.
Thanks everyone, I appreciate.


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Drug abuse is really wrong and we should abstain from it, many youths are getting addicted to drugs and this is having a negative effect on them.

I enjoyed going through your post but I feel I would have enjoyed it more if you added ways we can avoid drug abuse or ways it can be reduced.

Thanks again

Thank you so much sir, I really appreciate your support. I included the ways we could reduced drug abuse before concluding but I didn't really analyse it because I was emphasizing on dangers of drug abuse.

Ok, you have done well

Thank you so much.

You have shared great content on drug abuse among youths and its effects, all points are clear and understandable.

There are a few things wrong with this article and that's majorly about the images utilized. You should only utilize license-free images in your articles and you can get such from Pixabay, Pexels...

The ones you used in your article are not license-free, it requires extra permission which you have not taken from the original source, wrong use of images is almost the same as plagiarism. Kindly change the images.

You can learn more about the use of images here- How to Properly Utilize Free Images and Sourcing them the Right Way (Practical Steps) | by @fredquantum.

Thank you so much sir for your support, I will make the corrections.

I made the corrections sir.
Thank you so much.

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Thank you so much for your support. I appreciate.