How do you view the future?

in hive-147599 •  10 months ago 

me thinking about the Future, picture taken from my phone

🤦"Let's just eat , drink flex and enjoy
last last man go die."

That's a sayings from many people which don't think there's Future because of how the world is getting worse every single day .

Future what it is??? Yeah A time yet to come. All of us have future because our creator Godcreated us with future not like animals which doesn't have future. I will go into detail about Future and how our future will be. my name is @emishael60 welcome to my blog.

Do you believe we still have time in future when things will get better compared to how it is now?

Yes ,yes, yes,very sure why do I said so? it's because I believe in our creator words he can't lie,saying "For I well know the thoughts that I am thinking toward you,’ declares Jehovah, ‘thoughts of peace, and not of calamity, to give you a future and a hope." (Jeremiah 29:11).


picture taken from my phone

That portions show that there's a brighter future shard us. He promise us not only future but with hope. That really means that our future will be very sweet and joyous.

Do you believe that our plans today determines our better future.Justify your answer.

Yeah our plans today will determine how our future going to be. It is in our hand to decide if we want bad future or good future. Why do I said so is because the bible has already told us that the righteous ones has a brighter and good future ,while the future of the evil ones will be cut off, as said in pslam 37:28.
So our deeds in everyday life must shows that we fall under the righteous ones . Because the righteous ones are the ones going to have a brighter and joyous future. What can we do to be righteous :Only to exercise justice, to cherish loyalty, and to walk in modesty with your God!

How well are you prepared for the future

Preparing for the future is a challenging endeavor. To pave the way for a brighter tomorrow, I have been practicing justice, valuing loyalty, and walking modestly with God. I strive to resist temptations and assist others in any way I can, including preaching. I am committed to doing all that is necessary to secure a pure, radiant, and joyous future as promised by our Creator, for He alone knows what lies ahead. Am really preparing for the future though it's not easy.

reading about the futureIMG_20240430_122138_201~2_1.jpgIMG_20240430_180654_985.jpg meditating on what I read

picture taken from my phone

Doing all possible means to be able to have a clean , brightest and joyous future promised by our creator, because he is the only which knows the future.

Do you think the world will get better, worse or even stay the same.

A World Renewed. The world will soon improve, for God will wipe away our tears, and death will be no more. Mourning, suffering, and pain will cease to exist; everything that causes discomfort will vanish (Revelation 21:4).
picture from pixabay>

We will come to realize that this world is indeed a safe, good, and joyous place to live, as intended by our Creator. A Future with God Ultimately, we need no worries for with God, our future is secure. He created us with a purpose, and it is up to us to fulfill that potential through our daily actions.

In all we all have not to worry about future because with God our future will be better and he's the one that created us. we just have to make out future comes true in our deeds through our daily life's. Thanks my readers.

I'll like to invite @bossj23, @alli001 @mhizta @goodybest

Cc: @steem4nigeria

Original pictures from My phone

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