My Neighborhood Watch #74 - Reporting Events Around us

in hive-147599 •  3 months ago 


Yesterday morning, on my way to work , I saw a Keke running with a great speed. This driver was trying to get to his destination as quickly as possible. The passengers inside were holding on tight as Keke weaved through traffic. Then in one flash second, a car in front of the Keke stopped abruptly to avoid hitting a pedestrian crossing the road. He could not stop in time, and Keke ran into the back of the car. The impact was so strong that Keke turned onto its side, raising a lot of dust with much fanfare.

People within the vicinity ran to assist. They pulled the driver and passengers out. Thankfully, nobody got seriously hurt, but Keke got badly damaged. The front panel of the keke was badly crushed and the windshield was shattered, and the frame was bent out of shape. The driver sat by the road, fearing the worst about how to fix his Keke and how much it would cost. But above all, we thank God that no one died; a few of the passengers got some injuries, but not serious ones.


It was then that a good panel beater, Chinedu, happened to come and assist. He saw the Keke in that state and offered his service. Chinedu was known in the neighbourhood for his skills concerning fixing up vehicles; so, he assured the driver that he could fix the Keke and make it as good as new.

Chinedu and his team carefully towed the damaged Keke to their workshop. They started by inspecting the level of damage on the Keke. Chinedu was explaining the steps that would be followed in repairing the vehicle to the driver, so that he might have an understanding of what was to be done and how long it would take.
That was when I left them to work, but on my way back, I found out that the Keke was finally ready.


It looked as good as new, with no single evidence of the accident that had left it in such a deplorable state. The driver was overjoyed to see his Keke restored. Grateful, he showed immense appreciation to Chinedu and his team for their great skill and dedication. The only thing remained was the top banner clothes of the keke. Chinedu reminded him again to observe the speed limit and be a defensive driver-as when vehicles were damaged, they could easily get repaired, but lives lost during accidents could never be replaced. He nodded in acknowledgment, promising to be more careful on the wheels henceforth.

Everyone was taught a good lesson: speeding was hazardous and road safety needed attention. Keke back on the road due to Chinedu's ability and kindness gave the driver another chance, which he used to drive safely henceforth. I couldn't but think, while further to work, how lucky the driver and passengers were to have received such assistance from this skillful and kind-hearted man.

I placed my invite to:@eliany,@ubikool,@nsijoro to participate.


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I just feel I was able to see the picture from the side, the miraculous transformation surprises me, who fault do you think it was?, I feel the passenger should have tapped the driver on the back telling him to drive slowly, keke drivers are one the most reckless drivers so far, I can across one that brake in my fronts and almost pushed me to the gutter. I am happy nobody got hurt, the driver is lucky chinedu help him with the mechanical skills. Thank you for inviting me

The way things are happening around us and every time we are informed about how to be conscious in life but still people are driving in danger, some will be drinking before going to drive even when the safety has warned about such attitude before driving.
Accident is happening every day,we need to abid by traffic rules and regulations before we will blame ourselves and ask God why it happened so early.
So I really felt about the accident and I appreciate your Entry.
