Creative writing: the full explanation of consumer behaviour

in hive-147599 •  2 years ago 



Hello steemians, how are you all and welcome to my blog.
Today I will like to share a topic that some learn in secondary School but I will like to share it again with the full explanation of consumer behaviour


Consumer behaviour is the study of individuals, groups or organizations and the process they use to select, procure and use of products and services to satisfy needs and impacts. That these processes have on the consumer and saiety.


  • Cultural factors
  • Social factors
  • Personal factors
  • Psychological factors
  • Cultural factors: culture refers to a set of values, ideas, and attitudes that are accepted by a homogeneous group of people and transmittal to the next generation. Culture is most fundamental of all the influences on buyer behaviours.
    Sub-culture: each culture contains smaller sub-culture or groups of people with shared values system based on common life experience and situations.
    Sub-culture includes, nationalities, social groups and geographical regions.may sub-culture make up important market segment and marketers often design product and marketing programmes tailored to their needs
  • Social factors: A consumer behaviour is also influenced by social factors such as consumers.
  • Small group
  • Online social network
  • Family
  • Social roles and status
  • Groups: many small groups influenced a person behaviour, these includes:
  • Membership group: this refers to group that have direct influence and to which a person belongs the membership groups are usually related to one's social origin,age, place of residence, work, robbies leisure.
  • Preference groups: the person or group that serve as a point of comparison or reference. For an individual in the forming of either general or specific values, attitudes or behaviour.
  • Aspirational group: this is reference to associate with it is often the reference group or another individual whom one finds advreble or inspiring. In aspirational group there is a sign cant amount of prestige or nobility that an outside individual desires to attribute to his or her identity.
  • Online social network: these are online communities where people socialize or exchange information and opinions social network includes: blogs, social networking websites and messages platforms.
  • Family: the family forms an which an individual will evole shap his personality, acquire values but also develop attitudes and opinions on various subsects or himself or his desires.
    This markers try to find the roles and influence of the husband, wife and children. This will enable them to target their prospect and channel their advertisement accordingly.
  • Social roles and status: the position of an individual within his family works, clubs, organization online community and his group of friends.
    determine his shopping and spending behaviours.
    A social role is the set attitudes and activities, people are expected to perform according to their profession, position at work position in the family,his gender and people usually choose product appreciate roles and status.
  • Personal factors: a buyers decision and behaviour are obviously also influenced by such varieties as the buyers age and life cycle stage occupation, economic situation, lifestyle and personality and self concept.
    Age and life-cycle stage: people change the goods services they buy other their life time tastes in food, clothes, furniture and recreation the often age related.
    Buying is also shaped by the stage of the family life cycle
  • Occupation: the occupation of a person has significant impact on his buying behaviour example the manager of an organization will try to purchase business suits where as a low level worker in the same organization will purchase rugged clothes.
  • Economic situation. How much and earns if the income and sewings of a consumer is high,them he will purchase more expensive products on the other hand, a person with low income and sawings will purchase inexpensive product
  • Life-style= life-style is a person's pattern of living as expected in his or her psychographics. The includes of his or her activities or interest, values and opinions lifestyle profiles a person wholes pattern of acting and interacting in the world personality and self concept: personality is the totality of behaviour of a man in different circumstances it has different characteristics such as
  • dorminance
  • aggressive
  • self confidence
  • social ability
  • defensiveness
  • adaptability
    Personality can be useful in analysing consumer behaviour for a particular product or service many brands cure associated with one particular traits. thus to understand consumer behaviours marketers must first understand the relationship between consumers self concept and possession.
  • Psychological factors: a person's buying choices are further influenced by its major psychological factors, motivation, perception, learning and belief and attitude.
  • Motivation: motivation is what drive consumers to develop a purchase behaviour it is the expression of a need that is sufficient pressing to load the consumer to seek satisfaction every person has many need at a given time some are biology cell rising from State of tension.
    Such as hunger, thirst or discomfort others are psychological arising from the need of recognition esteem or belonging it is usually working at a sub-concious level and it is difficult to measure to increase sells and to encourage customers to purchase brands should try to create, make conscious or reinforce a need in the consumers mind so that they develop a purchase motivation.
  • Perception: perception is the process through which individuals select organization and intercept information to from a meaningful picture of the world the perception of a situation at given time will influence how a person acts. People can form different perception of a same situation because of three perceptional processes, selective attention, selective distortion and selective retention because of these process, marketers must work hard to get there messages through.
  • Learning-learning is through action. when people act, they learn
    Learning implies change in a individual behaviour resulting from experience, learned for example. A consumer buys a nokia phone if the customer experience is rewarding, the consumer will probably use the phone more and more, and his or her response will be reinforced then the next time he or her shops for a phone the probability is greater than he or her buys a nokia phone product with such a customer will not want to buy nokia phone again.
  • Belief and attitude: belief is a descriptive thought that a person has about something. Belief may be based on rate knowledge, opinion or faith and may or may not carry on emotional change. Marketers are interested belief that people formulate about specific product and brand images that affects buying behaviour if some of the belief are wrong and prevent purchase, the marketer will want to launch a campaign to correct them.
    Attitude describes a person's relatively consistent evaluations, feeling and tendences to wards an object or idea.
    Attitude puts people in a frame of mind of liken and disliken things. Attitudes and difficult to change.


There are (5) five stage of a consumer buying decision. Actually, purchase is only one of the stage of the process. Not all consumer decision process leads to a purchase. All customer decision will not always include all the stages mentioned. Consumer often skip or reverse some of these stages. These stages are:

  • Need recognition: this is the first stage of a buyer decision process in which the consumer recognizes a problem or need.
    Need in fact is the catalist which triggers the buyers decision of a consumer. Need can be triggered by internal or external stimuli. The marketer must recognize the need of the consumer as well as how this need must be satisfied.
  • Information search: the stage of the buying decision process in which the consumer is aroused to search for more information consumers can obtain information from pay of those several sources (family, friends, neighbour) personal sources, commercial sources (advertising, sales, dealer website, packaging) public sources (mass media internet search) and experimental sources (using the product). A successful information search leaves the buyer with possible alternative.
  • Evaluation of alternatives: this is when the consumer starts cutting down the possible options by comparing it with their cuteria and what the want from the product or service.
    They evaluate the various alternatives available in the market and individual after gathering relevant information to choose the best option available as for his needs,teste and pocket.
  • purchase decision: A this points the consumer ranks brands or has consider all of the factors relating to the product and forms purchase intention.
  • Post- purchase behaviour: The stage of the buying decision process in which the consumer takes further actions after purchase base on their satisfaction or dissatisfaction with their purchase. This may or may not be a consicious thought process. For many advertisers, the goal is to eliat positive result with the product or the service which that hope that customers will review or talk positively to others about the product or service they have.


This refers to buying behaviour of the organization that buy goods and services for use on the production of other products and services that are sold, rented or supplied to others if also includes the behaviour of sell or rent them to others for propit.


  • Derived demand: organizational buying behaviour is based on derived demand. Demand made by the ultimate consumer creates demand for industrial goods and services. There fore if the demand for the final product drops, the demand for the raw materials will also drop.
  • Inelastic demand: the total demand for many business product is not much affected by price changes especially in the short run. A drop in the price of leather will not cause shoe manufacturer to buy much more leather unless it results to lower shoe process that in turn will increase the consumer demand for shoes
  • Fluctuating demand: the demand for many business goods and services and to change more quickly than the demand for consumer goods and services does. As small percentage increase demand can cause a large increase in business demand.
  • Few buyer and lerge volumes for sales is large.
  • Direct purchase: business buyers often buy directly from manufacturers rather than buying through intermediaries, especially items that are technically complete or expensive.


Hello friends thank you for going through and reading on my post,I am new here and I hope that I am welcomed.
I share a topic titled by me as the full explanation of consumer behaviour

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