My First Birthday as a Father

in hive-147599 •  4 months ago 
A Year Older

Our birthdays are a reflection of the journey so far, measuring what has changed since the last celebration thereby taking lessons from the past years and showing gratitude for a period of existence well spent.


It was a beautiful past year, I can't deny that. I've been blessed in so many ways and above all, the wonderful gift of existence and sound health fills my heart with great joy.

At this time last year, we were just a family of a couple but God has remarkably increased us by blessing us with our bundles of joy, the twin girls who have been a source of great joy to the family and evidence of God's perfect love towards us.


Yesterday was a very busy day. As such, there were no serious celebrations, but we didn't miss the opportunity to grab a local dish of Amala from one of the most popular restaurants in town and get Pizza from our favorite plug.

I can tell you that the four of us dined together since the kids started taking solids even though they couldn't go to a long length because of the spicy local meal (like most of us love it in this part of the world), we often say that pepper is life, lol. But the kids did their best to enjoy a part of the meal.


Undoubtedly, I enjoy the day with love shown by friends and family both far and near. You know how events like this shows us how important we are part of people's lives, and I enjoyed reading the sweet wishes across different social platforms. I felt more grateful for the little impact I've made in the lives of genuine people I've met.

The past year was packed with unforgettable memories and I am ready to embrace the best year yet, filled with countless adventures.

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