Warning To Community Members: The Risks Of Doubling Accounts and Plagiarism.

in hive-147599 •  2 months ago 



Dear Fellow Nigerians,

I'm writing this with a heavy heart; sincerely, I'm ashamed of the recent happenings in our community. The alarming trend among Nigerians really put us in a negative light, making fellow users on the platform and even the Steemit team lose their trust in us. Okay, let me stop beating around the bush and go straight to the point.

It has been observed that even some reputable users have been operating multiple accounts, engaging in plagiarism, and using AI to generate their posts. These users are well known; they're Admins/Mods in some communities, and they're opportune to serve as community curators for some months. Well, I know that the allure of quick rewards can be tempting, but we must know the serious consequences of such actions; yes it doesn't affect the offender only but the integrity of the entire platform.

What Is Multiple Or Doubling Accounts?

It's the practice of having and managing more than one account on the platform. People have more than one account for different reasons; some have it to separate their content, to perform different roles with it, or to target a particular niche with them, and all these reasons are just fine. However, we should note that it's against Steemit's rules to use multiple accounts for dubious and malicious purposes like Voting for oneself, yes upvoting your own posts. It's bad to use these accounts to farm rewards, influencing the reward system and not allowing an even spread of rewards to honest users. It is wrong to Spam with the accounts, publish short and irrelevant posts with them, recycle posts with them, or use them to commit plagiarism.

Fellow Nigerians were caught using multiple accounts for malicious purposes, easily maximizing their rewards; some excused this dubious act with pressure from their families, while others denied it at first until they were inexcusable! The truth is that this malicious strategy undermines the fair system that our community is built upon. Dishonest users benefit more; yeah, it creates an uneven playing field where honest users are ignored, not only this, but the quality of engagement within the platform will diminish. Sadly, those who are supposed to warn others against this disgusting act are the ones who are involved in it. Not upholding the integrity of our community.

Not only this, we have also witnessed a concerning rise in plagiarism, I mean a verbatim copied work translated from another language to English, where content generated by AI is passed off as original work. This is unacceptable, Steemit rewards proof of brain and not Machine, and it's not just right to take credit for work that is not ours, it's dishonesty. Actions like this only bring us a bad name and erode trust within our community, they disrupt the creativity and originality honest users try to foster.

Why We Should Take Actions Against Multiple Accounts and Plagiarism/AI:

  1. It Undermines Fair Reward: the rewards Steemit provides are based on fairness and contribution. So when a user creates multiple accounts, plagiarizes, or uses AI to generate content, he/she is gaining rewards that do not reflect his or her sincere contributions. Thus honest users who invest their time and effort to create original content on the platform can be demotivated, and this is not Good.

  2. It Promotes Negative Behaviors like dishonesty, discontent, and greediness, and if these bad behaviors persist among us, they will discredit the hard work of other innocent and honest Nigerians. So this must stop.

  3. Risk Of immediate Consequences: henceforth any Nigerian being caught engaging in multiple accounts creation, plagiarism or any form of abuse must face serious penalties. We all must downvote all his/her active posts, he/she must not receive any reward, and he/she must be removed from any position they hold. These violations must stop.

  4. Long-term Reputation Has Been Tarnishing some reputable users who engaged in these dishonest practices has damaged the reputation they've built over the years within the platform. Serving as a warning example for others to deter from them. We must build a good standing, and this requires integrity. We must be honest because this is important for future collaboration and interactions.


As passionate members of this great platform I urge everyone to reflect on the importance of honesty and contentment. This amazing platform can only thrive on the genuine efforts and contributions of its users. Instead of seeking dishonest gains, and shortcuts, let's focus on creating valuable and original content that will foster connection and growth among us.

I hope our dear Country community will (reconsider) and adjust the way it distributes booming rewards for it to be more equitable.

All forms of abuse must end, let's work together to maintain a fair and equitable environment where all honest users have the opportunity to succeed because they merit it. May we be proud of our honest contributions and engagement because they're the path to true rewards.

Dear Nigerians, your integrity matters; let's work together to put an end to this; yes, if you see something, say something. I mean, if you suspect anyone, say it, no matter who the user is, don't be scared of anyone so that we all can take action against the culprit. Innocent users should not suffer the consequences of dubious actions. Let's build a thriving community that celebrates creativity and originality together.

Thank you🙏.

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Among every 12, there’s always a Judas. Is bad enough that the whole world sees us as fraudulent people and making it hard for people to gain visas…

we have now carried the same fraudulent act to steemit to bring shame to the country. I was expecting this from newbies not the old folks. I just hope they learn from this and resist the temptation of playing smart again because they will definitely be fished out one way or the other..

Happy new year @goodybest

Thank you so much for the good wishes, Sam. Well, I believe that we can do better than this. But then we have to put our heads together and end all sorts of abuse among Nigerians.

Wise words. Indeed the Judases are present


Sins of some have affected everyone, this is truly a bad act in the steemit platform and also a slap on our face.
All Nigerians are now suffering because of due to the recent crimes by some Nigerian steemians sadly it has to be this way.

Let's come together and put an end to this act, and also regain our trust from the steemit team.
We are all feeling the heat, people who are supposed to speak against the offence are the ones committing it, which i believe anger the steemit team more.

Please i urge all Nigerian steemians to detach themselves from such criminal act, because i believe this is against the steemit rules.


Thanks for the support @wirngo 🙏

Let's apply the principle of checks and balances. If you suspect any account or user say it, and ask questions.

Alright mam, i will do just that 💯

  ·  2 months ago (edited)

It is a slapped to Nigerian and it's community and it's so shameful cause it's really going to affects the newbies who still growing on the platform.

So I'm pleading alongside with ma'am @goodybest that steemians who had been engaging and are still on the act of plagiarism, creating AI post and also having duplicate account for self interest should put an end to it

So please the steemit team should forgive us all and still give us more chance cause they're other steemians from Nigeria who love everything about the platform regardless of the fact that there's a reward for writing ,and alot of newbies are still coming up on the platform which they shouldn't be affected by the act of others

So on behave of steemians who are caught on the act we're really sorry for the mess, it's really a lesson that everyone has learnt so I don't think there's anyone from Nigeria that'll still engage on those acts.

Let's come together and take action against all forms of abuse.

Thank you for reinstating the need to abide by the rules, we will do better and remain committed to the growth of the steemit platform…

Sure we will! Now that I have officially made the reminder, they understand our seriousness.

Thank you for publishing an article in the Steem4nigeria community today. We have assessed your entry and we present the result of our assessment below.

Verified User
Plagiarism Free
AI Free
Bot Free
Review Date31/12/2024

MODs Comment/Recommendation:
We appreciate you advice on this matter. Thank you

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This has to stop dear

I just hope the lessons have been learnt.

Once more a good reminder of the need to do the right thing.

Thank you @goodybest for putting this up.

It's a pleasure

Wonderful post, it disheartening to know how some people has given us a bad name, I'm sure we have learned from the recent happening and I'm hopeful that we will all put hands together to stop abuse on steemit. Enough is enough. We plea for second chance our eyes are open to fish out those who want to spoil the reputation we have tried hard to build. Thanks @goodybest for this post I have been waiting for it

The needful has to be done; it's enough; it's not just fair that innocents always suffer alongside the guilty. Henceforth we must be alert and ask questions when necessary.

My question is where do they get the energy to operate all this account because handling one account is even difficult for me talk less of handling multiple accounts.

Well is a pitty that another person mess is affecting the innocent ones and they are suffering for the crimes they didn't commit.
So please let's be guarded

My question is where do they get the energy to operate all this account because handling one account is even difficult for me talk less of handling multiple accounts.

Well, I believe that this question is not for me or it could be rhetorical 🤷‍♀️

The thing is that we must be vigilant and help in putting an end to these dubious act.

It's quite unfortunate that these have to happen in a space of time. Abuse is something we all from at and from time to time we educate, and warn against, but we still have a few who are at it. Well, I pray we all listen and desist from acts that damages reputation.

Thanks for putting this up. We still have genuine users. And they are also working hard. I wish they can be supported.

Unfortunately, our education, advice, and warnings fell on deaf ears for some. However, we must unite to put an end to all forms of abuse.

This is an important reminder from @goodybest to all steemians in Nigeria and other countries to adhere to the rules in steemit.
I dearly beg for the forgiveness of those who failed to follow the steemit rules and I hope they improve and follow the rules.
We all need to maintain tranquility and decorum because we are all family who bring ideas to support one another.

Hmmm, it's not funny at all, no wonder we're not getting support like we use to. See how we disgrace ourselves. So what the way forward? The steemit tea should should have pity on us as most of us are innocent on this act. But on the second thought I think they reason why they go on this act is to look for support. Maybe we tried to help ourselves first and support the newbies as thisbwill encourage them to create quality post from from Ai and plagiarism.

It so disheartening and discouraging to especially us the newbie trying to grow in the platform here we are stranded some newbie do not even understand the reason why things all went south having to pay the prize for someone else's greediness is such a bitter pill to swallow, these are the same people who do not even support the newbie yet we all have a chunk of share in their crime, lesson well learned i hope everyone will do better now thank you maam @goodybest for this important information.

We should definitely support ourselves, but it’s important to remember that support goes both ways. Ask yourself how many Nigerians you supported today. How many did you engage with in a meaningful way? How many did you nominate in the upcoming award nominations?

This is just food for thought, so don’t feel pressured to reply. However, we can strive to do better!

Sorry, I don't know about upcoming award nomination. What is it about? Talking about engagement with Nigerian, I do comment and vote at my leisure time. No doubt, I understand your point. What you're trying to say it should begin with myself, engaging and supporting them. Did I get it correct? Maybe I will do better.

What you're trying to say it should begin with myself, engaging and supporting them. Did I get it correct? Maybe I will do better.

You're absolutely right!

This doesn't speak well of us. Greed and selfish desires never makes people successful in any career or life purpose.

Please my fellow steemians I will like you to know that a good name is better than silver and gold.

A word is enough for the wise.

We must be determined to be vigilant and fish out any abuser. Enough is enough.

Yes! Let justice be done.

It's well dear ! You've well written. I just learn this for the first time, I can't believe it can go to this extent. A word is enough for the wise. May God have mercy on us