Contest | love and money

in hive-147599 •  10 months ago 


Greetings and welcome to my blog

I would like to thank @ninapenda for this amazing contest which says love and money. Love and money both are very important to us, which is undeniable. In the modern world, how shall we live without money to support our lives. We can't live without money, we can't pursue our dreams and our basic needs without money, so money is important but what does love do ?. Well true love can't be gotten from money, it is true affection with or without money, it seems to appear in nature and can't be expressed by words but by actions.

Have you ever been served breakfast, I mean (heart break) or do you know anyone who has had a heart break

Heart break is one of the most traumatized state to be in and I would not suggest anyone to be in such state. I am no stranger to heart break and so it is something which no one wants to experience. I had a friend which was very happy with her life and her boyfriend, both of them were in love and have dated for about two years, But it all changed when the guy started seeing someone else. I really don't know what got into him but he just suddenly woke up one morning and broke up with my friend telling her that he's in love with someone else. This broke my friends heart very much and made her to be sad and unhappy, I tried talking to her and encouraging her but she was so in love with him to forget him. To cut the long story short she finally got Over him and realized that she could find someone better than him.

Does genuine love without money exist


Genuine love does exist but it is difficult to love someone without money. Money is essential to provide for the basic needs of the woman, money is required to make the relationship sweet and happy. Money cannot buy love but increase the chances of finding love. Every girl will like to marry a rich man who can take care of them, provide for them and ensure that they are well treated, now this is what money can do and it can also enhance your relationship and make it sweeter.

If you were given the opportunity to choose between love and money which would you prefer


They say love is the best feeling in the world and that those who are lucky enough to experience it are the happiest people in the world. Money should never be compared to love cause love is endless, it is everlasting and money can't buy love. Love is important but don't for a second think that you can survive in this century especially this hardship only on love with zero money. Love brings happiness and fulfillment while money brings materialistic comfort and security. Love promotes personal growth, love challenges individuals to become better versions of themselves, it encourages personal growth and development which can lead to a more fulfilling life.

Love is vital for a healthy society, a society built on love and compassion is more Likely to be peaceful and harmonious. Money can not replace the role of love in building a healthy community. Love is timeless, money can lose its value over time but love remains the same, no matter the time or season. It is a timeless emotion that transcends material possession and can bring meaning to life. So with these few points I have just pointed out I would say that I would choose love over money.

is it true that money answers to all things, in your own understanding, can money answer to love


It is true money answers all things, but it is not the same when it comes to love. No money can buy love, love comes from within, it is a feeling which no one not even money can put into someone, it is a feeling of attraction. In the modern world today many people think that once they have money they can get love but it's not done in that manner. Love cannot be bought by money but money is important in strengthen a relationship.

Inviting @mhizta @saintkelvin17 @woka-happiness


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Money answers all things, but it is not the same when it comes to love, cause love is immeasurable and can't be quantified by Money.

Money cannot buy love, Cause genuine love is supposed to flow naturally not it being initiated by Money. You have stated all this correct and I agree with you💯💯

Best wishes dear friend😊

Thanks for reading through my post , I really appreciate 😄😀

It my pleasure 🥰


You are absolutely correct, many girls want a man with money who can take care of them, which makes people think that money is the key to a successful marriage, but without love it is futile, a woman can still cheat with or without money but cannot cheat when there is love.
I enjoy reading from you again, good luck with the contest.

Thanks for the lovely comments on my post, I really appreciate it

You are welcome