Money Answereth All Things

in hive-147599 •  2 years ago 



Many are not aware of the fact that the popular saying, " money answereth all things" actually comes from the Bible. It is found in Ecclesiastes 10:19. About 70-80 percent of the world's population are in support of this notion.

Money is truly powerful and of immeasurable value. The food we eat, the clothes we wear, the house we live in, the water we drink, the medicine you buy when you're ill, your tuition can only be gotten with one thing and one thing alone - money. How much a man is worth is dependent on how much he has in his bank account. Wealthy men like Warren Buffet, Bill Gate, Elon Musk and the likes are well-respected and recognised because of their wealth. They are able to afford anything their eyes capture and anything their hearts desire. They are so powerful and influencial in the world today because of what? Money! So it's not wrong to say money answers everything.

Money answereth all things; this is a statement made by a popular Bible character named Solomon. Many say he is the wisest man ever to live on earth so why do many still debate on this assertion? It's actually very difficult to pick a side beacuse in our world today, with the increasing value of money, you are said to have nothing if you do not have money. However, I am of the opinion that there are certain things money cannot buy.


  • Money cannot buy peace of mind: Peace is a state of being free from burdensome thoughts. Here in Africa, it is no longer news that men make blood sacrifices called rituals for money. In most cases, many of them find it so difficult to shut their eyes at night. They claim to sometimes see the faces of loved ones they sacrificed for money. When they are amongst their friends, their smiles hide their pains and and troubled minds. They are happy because they can buy whatever they want or travel to whereever they desire; they live the kind of life they've always wished for. Deep down, they are looking for peace sometimes because of the guilt they feel after commiting the hideous act but their money is never enough to buy peace. In a bid to make ends meet, a friend of mine traveled to a neighboring state here in Nigeria. But I never knew he had travelled until he came back. He told me of how he tried going into 'Yahoo' business. According to him, the first money he made was about 70,000 Naira. He was so excited and so he continued on this path for about three months. He told me he wasn't at peace with himself. He was happy that he started living big but his conscience pricked him everyday. Luckily, he was able to make up his mind to stop the illegal business. There is a level of trouble money can handle but there are levels of deep troubles that moneg doesn't have answers to.


  • Money cannot buy true love: Money can actually buy you a temporary love but it can never buy you true love. True love is the Agape kind of love unconditional. If a man or a woman tells you he/she is in love with you because of how much money you have, then it isn't love. If a woman loves a man just because he gets her all she wants, then it isn't love. What happens all that money develops wings and fly away? What then happens to the relationship? Will she still stay? Will she still give him all the love, affection, respect and attention she gave to him when he had everything? Even the wives of the wealthiest men divorced them. I do not know what caused the divorce but it only proves that money is not everything when it comes to relationship. Virtues keep a relationship and not money. I am not saying money is not important in a relationship. In fact, I know that love alone is not enough but the cart should be put before the horse and not vice versa.


  • Money cannot buy life: Money really goes a long way in helping people look and stay healthy even in old age. However, there are certain things in life money cannot undo. Our former President, Olusegun Obasanjo lost his wife to the cold hands of death but his money couldnt bring her back. Our former president, Umaru Musa died in his 50's. Money couldn't stop him from dying or even bring him back to life after dying. Steve Jobs died. His money couldn't save him.

A man named Voltaire once said, "don't think money does everything or you are going to end up doing everything for money".

George Lorimer also said, " It is good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it's good too, to check up once in a while and make sure that you haven't lost the things that money can't buy".

I invite @imohmitch, @johnmitchel and @davidmarkgeorge to participate.

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This is a very wonderful piece you wrote here. There are a lot of things money can't buy, but it is very important to have money. I will try to participate in this contest

Thanks fellow steemian..Money stops a lot of nonsense

Hello friend,thanks for sharing with us your perspective about this subject. I picked some lessons from your write up, thanks for joining the contest. I wish you the very best.
