Contest| "Love is Thicker!"

in hive-147599 •  3 months ago 


It's another month and a new week to celebrate and show love to one another in your family, church, and society at Large.

Without taking too much time, I will be looking at the contest guide using the topic "Love is Thicker"

Love bears all things, hope all things, believe all things, endures all things, love never ends... Do you think this is true? Share your idea.


The answer to this question is yes. It's not just yes because you loved the person or you have affection for one another but it's yes because you have the love of God in you.

If you don't have the love of God in you, you can't love anyone that comes your way. When we are talking about hope, our hope is in Christ Jesus, and through him, we have hope for one another.

In believing all things, the Bible says "All things worked together for good to them that loved him. Romans 8:28.
So you can see that nothing seems to work out for you or your partner if you don't first have Jesus as your first love.

In enduring all things, we can see how Jesus endures in bearing our Borden even unto the cross. He passed through great pains and humiliation just to set man free from sin.

However, today we can bear and forebear the ignorants of our love once. This is because we have the love of Christ Jesus in us. Note, that he said without him, you can do nothing. This simply means that without having love in doing the things of God, you can't help even your own self.

Loving, bearing, and covering one another in love is all about grace which is in Christ Jesus. I have seen where couples at first thought they had found love for themselves but not having the full knowledge of whom love is, they end up halfway without going far. This is because they only had that emotional feeling for themselves because of the lady's shape, height, or even smile. These are some of the things that attract a man to a lady while the lady might be looking for that guy who has too much money without knowing the source and because of this, so many have lost their lives.

Among peace, joy, and love, love is the greatest because God is love.

Do you think with love you can win the heart of anyone? Explain

Now Our Days people are moved by what they see and receive and this is why so many have been fooled for love.

It's quite sure that when you show consistent love to someone, the person turns to love you in return and this is where we can say you have won his/her heart.

If in future you don't have that much to give him or her and the love dies, just know that there wasn't love at first but the person was only attracted to those things you were giving.

What better way do you think an argument or misunderstanding could be settled?


There is no better way to settle your argument whether with your spouse, wife, husband, or even with your family than to forgive.

The Bible says to err is human to forgive is divine. If you want to have an edge over your wife or spouse as a man/woman, you have to learn how to forgive. The most important one is when you are not guilty of the offense but you still humble yourself to say; I'm sorry. This will make your spouse and at this point, you have an edge over him/her.

Some men find it very difficult to say I'm sorry to their wives and this is why many homes are on fire. Women can tolerate all your excesses but men don't and they are not ready to say I'm sorry.

As a wife, you should give honor to your husband and treat him as a king always. Those little things you are doing are counting even though the man won't complement you at the moment, keep doing it.

As for the men, the bible says love your wife as yourself. This means if you love yourself, you should love your wife. Don't buy your own cream and soap without buying that of your wife. Those little things can settle arguments or misunderstandings the day that you won't have to give her.

The truth is, learn how to say I'm sorry without feeling guilty, and that settles it.

What is your say on this "Where there is love, there is life!"

I like to show us an example through the life of our savior Jesus. He gave his life because of his love for us to have it more abundantly.

Ordinarily, it's difficult for men to promise and fulfill that promise but because of the level of love that the person had, he might decide to protect and encourage you for your self-development.

Encouragement here might be financial support, advice, and even directives on your daily routine. All this is because of love and this will help to increase your life span.


Love has no bounds because when you are truly in love or see who truly loves you, you should know.

Love don't expose your wrong to a third party.

It was all your fault but love still put you first.

It doesn't hats and it always feels sorry when wronged.

I would love to invite @marito74, @dlike and @ctime to be part of this contest.

Thank you very much for your time and hope you found value?

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