My birthday celebration | 05/12/2024

in hive-147599 •  3 months ago 

Greetings to you my entire community. Today I'm happy to bring to your notice concerning my birthday celebrationwhich took place on 20th November, 2024.

It was amazing when I was surprised by my dear wife with a birthday cake at around 12 noon. It was at the said time that my wife came with a surprise cake to where I was, but I had to encourage her to take it home.

The reason for this action is because I was too busy at that time. However, she took it home and I began to think on what to do.

Initially, I never wished to celebrate because I looked at the celebration of birthdays to be when one had fully arrived or achieves his/her set goals in life.

I went home and put all this to the thought of my sweetheart, she gave me some good reasons why I should celebrate it. At this point, I had to call friends and well wishers informing them that we're going to sit out by 8:00pm in making of my birthday.

On my side, I wanted it very small but what I did in the eyes of those who came to celebrate with me, had been recorded as great.

Major Reasons for Birthday Celebration

Celebration of birthdays are of great importance to anyone who is living. But before you start celebrating your birthdays, you should know that there are great achievements you must had attain in life.

Today, so many had turned birthday celebration to be a yearly thing without any form of achievement in their lives.

It wasn't supposed to be like this because it's just a waste of time and resources. I'm not saying that you shouldn't celebrate your birthday but it should be that you have achieved a particular goal for celebrating.

My Birthday Celebration


This day was a special day to me to be sincere. This is because, since I don't have too much time for birthday celebration based on what I had shared earlier, it makes me reluctant all these years gone. However, today I'm happy that I celebrated my birthday for the first time in history courtesy of my beloved wife.

The picture above is a topical illustration on how the birthday went. It was at night that the party after party took place. Hahaha, that was a fantastic one. I saw genuine loved from my good friends!

Oh! Words can't express the joy I derived that day. That the end, the MC of the day make a provision on how the cake would be cut and I cut the cake hahaha.

The laughter there is no ordinary but because my wife was taking care of our baby at home, this could not allow her to come and celebrate with me and so many asked my supporting financially that I should go home and bring my wife for the cake to be properly cut.

In conclusion, I was pardon! While the MC proceeded as I cut the cake using the word LIFE. Reasons being that, I'M celebrating life.

Thank you for staying till the end, God bless you.

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