The Convention that touched the souls of men.

in hive-147599 •  last year 

Hello great people, I'm happy that we are all up and doing. Today am happy to bring to your notice how our just concluded convention went.

The Apostolic church Ikom Town Area Convention


The 14th ITAC just took place. This was the first of its kind. Before the convention, the media team had to make sure that updates about the convention is been posted daily on all social handles. This really made the the convention to go viral.

The opening of the convention

It was an area convention and it's usually for 3 days. Its always begins from Friday evening to Sunday evening.

Before the program starts, we always have schedules of activities that will take place at certain time. These include:

•Friday 7pm convention service,
• Saturday 5am Healing meeting.
• Saturday 9am convention meetings and by 3pm, we have tarry meeting for the baptism of the holy ghost.
• Sunday 8am Sunday school and by 9am Sunday service proper. We also have be 3pm, where we all go out on whites to witness for Christ. By 6pm is the closing of the convention.

The joy in the convention will make you to forget all your challenges behind. Today i can say that many lives were touched during the convention.

During the Sunday's 3pm section, the church went out to witness for Christ and many gave their lives to Jesus and repented from their old ways.

Below are some the pictures taken





In conclusion, the convention went smoothly and God gave us a clement weather through out the convention.

The most important thing is to wine souls to the Lord. Thanks for your time and may the Lord bless you.

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