Anemia caused by a lack of iron in your body is known as iron deficiency anemia. One of the most prevalent types of anemia is this one. And, especially if the anemia is mild, symptoms can go unnoticed for a long time.
However, it is critical to recognize the symptoms before they worsen, as they can lead to serious health problems and interfere with your daily activities. As a result, here are the most common symptoms of iron deficiency anemia:
Constant tiredness
Have you been feeling exhausted lately, even if you haven't done much during the day? You're just feeling under the weather and want to lay down and rest all day? No, you are not being sluggish. You might have anemia due to a lack of iron.
This condition also has an impact on your energy levels because you lack the protein hemoglobin, which aids in the supply of oxygen to your body. And because your muscles and tissues are depleted of oxygen, they are also depleted of energy. In addition, your heart must work harder to produce more oxygen-rich blood in your system. All of this contributes to that inexplicable tiredness.
Dizziness is a common symptom of iron deficiency anemia. This usually occurs when you suddenly rise from a lying or sitting position. This is also noticeable after bending down to pick up something and returning to an upright position. The sensation is similar to a heavy weight on your head and a brief blur of vision. For some, the symptoms are too severe, causing them to lose their balance.
Abstractions in energy metabolism, particularly in the production of oxygen-rich blood, are caused by iron deficiency. As a result, your brain may not receive adequate oxygen supply, resulting in dizziness and uncomfortable sensations around your head.
Hair fall
Oxygen is also necessary for hair growth. Hair loss can be caused by a lack of hemoglobin and oxygen production in your body as a result of iron deficiency. However, keep in mind that the hair naturally shreds on a daily basis. As a result, this symptom may be ambiguous.
Check for bald spots around your head to determine the severity of your hair loss. It's also a good idea to keep an eye out for hair balls that fall off while showering or brushing. If you are bothered by the amount of hair on the floor or anywhere else it should not be apart from your crown, it is time to consult your doctor. However, if it is still manageable, you can look into beauty tips for managing hair fall.
Dry and chapped lips
Most people are unaware that the lips are one of the parts of the body that constantly change cells faster than the rest. That is why you may notice your lips peeling off from time to time.
However, if your lips are always dry and chapped, there could be a problem with cell regeneration in the area. One reason could be iron deficiency anemia, which again affects blood oxygen levels and, as a result, the regeneration of cells in your mouth.
Bruises occur when your blood capillaries are affected. When you have iron deficiency anemia, your blood cells do not function as well as they do when you have a healthy supply of oxygen. As a result, your skin is more prone to bruises because your body system is weaker than usual and there are fewer red blood cells to promote healing within the system.
Iron deficiency anemia is a serious condition that should not be taken lightly. If left untreated, fatigue and low energy levels can prevent you from leading a normal life. It can also cause serious and fatal conditions like heart failure, a weakened immune system, and lung problems. As a result, it is critical to seek professional help as soon as you notice symptoms and to maintain a healthy lifestyle while adhering to as many reliable health tips as possible.
Dark circles
Again, iron deficiency anemia prevents your body's tissues from receiving enough oxygen, affecting or discoloring the skin under your eyes and increasing the likelihood of dark circles. It is also important to note that anemia fatigue can cause dark circles under your eyes because you are constantly tired and low on energy.
Red blood cells play an important role in keeping your skin tone warm and healthy. As a result, when you have low levels of production of these cells, the color of your skin shows it. It's also why doctors can easily suspect iron deficiency and anemia just by looking at a pale patient.
Paleness does not only refer to a cooler, lighter skin tone. It is also visible in discoloration of the inner lining of your eyes, gums, and even your nails. Consult your doctor right away if you notice these areas have a desaturated color.