Contest| Nagging in a Relationship!

in hive-147599 •  3 months ago 

Hello friends, welcome to my blog. I feel very happy participating in this contest. The topic is such a sensitive one though..for those in a relationship. Well I hope you're not about to ask me if am in one...cus you'll have to pay me to get an answer...lols. just kidding though.

Anyway let's get into the business of the day, We've got some questions here that will guide me in expressing my thoughts on this topic. I really do hope you enjoy the ride...oh what did I even say? I meant you would enjoy the ride...hop in guys!

🔻How do you deal with nagging in a relationship?

Sincerely nobody wants a nagging partner, someone who will always complain repeatedly over something or just anything but then if we find ourselves in such relationship where nagging has become the order of the day then some viable steps need to be taken to remedy it.

Personally, I would resolve to be a good listener as the man in the relationship, perhaps the reason why the nagging is persistent is because one haven't become a good listener. The reason why I said so is not far fetched. If you truly listened then you would take action.


Action is the next point I would love to talk about. Do not just let it end with just hearing all that seem to bother your partner, be determined to see how you can help out to avoid reoccurrence because the fact it, nagging is a strong emotional feeling that expresses displeasure or grievances. Once we put this in place, it should solve 90% of the opinion though.

🔻Do you agree that nagging comes only from women and not from men? Or from both?

There is this stereotype view people have about nagging...that it always comes from women. Well, I do not subscribed to that school of thought. It could actually be from both party. I mean either of them could express their displeasure even though nagging has never being a positive way to do that.

So my answer is that nagging can come from either the guy or the lady in a relationship. But the most important thing is to ensure that the complains pointed out should be looked into...failure to do so would end up tearing up the relationship or marriage as the case may be, because they end up getting to a point where neither of the party will be able to tolerate and the best bet would be to go separate ways.

🔻 Does nagging and complaining mean the same thing? Explain

A kettle is not really a pot but they both share something in common according to that sarcastic statement we are used to. They are both Black. So I would say complain and nagging are children from the same mother having different names just for the sake of making them distinct.

Complains could be a one time expression of one's displeasure while nagging is a persistent and repeated expression of one's displeasure. So you see, the difference is just a thin line they both have an element of expressing displeasure or grievances.

Nevertheless, nagging in a relationship is not something we want to allow, the consequences will shock us beyond our expectations. This is the very reason why we should avoid it at all cost like a plague. If not it would remain the time bomb that it is, waiting to explode at the very right time.

🔻Do you think building a better communication skill in a relationship can help stop nagging?

Good Communication skill cannot be overemphasized, infact it has been underrated by many, no wonder so many relationship and marriages are suffering shipwreck...just because they have decided to downplay the role of quality communication skill in their relationship.

Don forget I talked about being a good listener as the guy earlier, you should allow the lady vent and receive ventilation. Sometime ladies would always like to be vocal and verbal, allow them and then I do not think it's the time for you as the guy to also pitch your voice trying to compete or prove a point as the man.

You have not communicated well that way. If one is raging fire, the other should be the calm water needed to put out the fire and this can be done through the way you communicate be it verbally or with your body language. Well to me, communication goes beyond saying things with your mouth...they are several ways to communicate.


Have you heard the statement Love language you would really know we are not talking about English language here...lols... I really do get the point. I think I've said enough... These are my point of view though, I hope you find some sense in it. Thanks for going through it.

And just before I drop my, I would love to invite @josepha @kuzboy @rakiya. I hope they find this contest interesting.


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