After the pandemic has been reduced and school was asked to resume. In other to curb the menace, universities was mandated to install the above seen picture since the disease is mostly spread in the gathering of people . The above seen pictures was installed near the school gate so that students will have to wash their hands with water and detergent thoroughly and the use of sanitizer and nose mask was made compulsory for students and lecturers to avoid the spread of the pandemic.
This posed a lot of difficulties in the aspect of studying cueing under hot sun and cold weather to observe this rule in other to avoid the spread. And by so doing, time was consumed and student could not meet up some of their activities, some missed their lectures as the result of the long cue .
The wash hand besin seen above was also mounted near the hostel for students to wash their hands as often as the move in and out the hostel.
The pandemic really affect the life of student as the greeting pattern was changed, sitting settings in the lecture Halls, the steady wear of the nose mask was so uncomfortable to some people and many more effect and my prayer is that such experience should not occur again.