Away from Home

in hive-147599 •  5 months ago 

"The magic thing about home is that it feels good to leave, and it feels even better to come back".quote by Wendy Wunder


A Home is a place where one feels secure and comfortable. A place where one look forward to live and unwind after a long stressful day. A home is a place not only built by bricks or woods, but with a bond of family. A place that reminds one of countless memories and unforgettable experiences. it is a place where one feel loved, happy, peaceful and a place where one is surrounded by loved ones, a place that offers one security.

Yes, I have been away from home for several reasons.The first time I left home was when I was 9 years. I visited one of my cousin during a long vacation/holiday. It was in one of the South Eastern states in my country. She treated me so badly and made her home very uncomfortable for me that I regretted ever spending my 1 month holiday in her house. She abused me verbally and said lots of terrible words to me. I felt extremely worried and frightened whenever she is at home with us to the extent that I never felt at home throughout my stay with her.

When I was 18 years old, I travelled to another state to learn computer appreciation courses.At first, it was very difficult for me to adapt in my new place because I missed my home,my family and friends. But gradually, I became accustomed to my new place. I met good friends who showed me around and made my stay a remarkable one. We went to different places to have fun, we visit orphanage homes and also the biggest market in that city. After getting a diploma in computer appreciation,I traveled to Benin Republic,


another African country where one of my Aunt lives with her family.It is a beautiful country with lots of attractions and sight seeing. Many tourists from different countries flock in their thousands.There were lots of fun and activities.I saw the Notre Dame Catholic Cathedral Church. Notre Dame de Misericorde which is known as the Cotonou Cathedral is located near the Ancien Pont bridge in Cotonou,Benin Republic.I also visited the bar beach and the Atlantic Ocean.

I had so many bittersweet experiences from all the places that I visited. Firstly, the boarding school experience wasn't a sweet one for me. I encountered lots of challenges and difficulties.The food wasn't all good especially for someone like me who suffers from avoidant/ restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID) and also a picky eater too.The light out,the institutionalization,the widespread rumor about ghosts like "Madam Koi Koi" visiting the hostels terrified and made my life in boarding school an unpleasant one. However, I had an interesting experience too and it was during cultural day celebrations and end of the Year parties. During that time, lot of activities goes on,such activities like drama, debates, cultural dances, singing competitions, etc.
I wouldn't want to revisit those places that I have been to before if I am given another opportunity to be away from home.My reasons are as follows:

  1. I had a discontented expectations and a negative memories.
  2. I want to visit and explore new places, cultures, languages and beautiful sceneries.
  3. I hate repetitions and craves for varieties,new adventures and different environment and locations.
  4. As a very curious person, I tend to see and learn about different beautiful parts of the world. I desire to travel and explore some other parts of the world that have different times, climates and seasonal activities.
  5. And also for self discovery and personal growth.

In summary, a home is a sanctuary where one can do everything they please without being judged.A place where one feel relaxed, free and secured.


It is a place where one create fond memories, feelings and grow with the cultures.

I conclude with this song we usually sing when I was in the primary and tertiary institutions.The song goes like:

Oh my home,oooooh my home
Oh my home,oooooh my home
My home!
When shall I see my home?
When shall I see my beautiful home?
I will never forget my home.

I invite @sbamsoneu, @ruthjoe and @benson6 to join in the contest.

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