Steem4Nigeria Contest | My dream about Steem/Steemit in my country

in hive-147599 •  2 years ago  (edited)



Steemit as a social media has been a very unique and beneficial one. Thanks to steemit we are able to express our thoughts in writing and also meet and make new friends from around the world.
It is social media that is built on the steem blockchain and that works at rewarding it's users with the steem coins.

In this post I'm going to share my dreams about steemit in my country Nigeria and how I intend to create more awareness of it.


How well is Steemit known in your Country? Do you think it's popular enough or there is a need for more publicity?

The knowledge of steemit is increasing day by day in Nigeria thanks to all our active steemians who spread the news to their friends and relatives. They have worked hard to ensure that many hear and come to join steemit and their efforts is yielding good fruits.

Well it's true that there is great effort in promoting steemit in my country but not much people have come to know and understand steemit. There are more than 206 million Nigerians,but I don't think up to 10% of his population know about steemit.
For example in my workplace when I first mentioned steemit everyone was like hearing at for the first time.

Though most people here know about the steem coin because of the popularity of crypto currency, but much do not yet know about the steemit project. Here people use many social medias like Facebook especially for their social life but steemit has been out of the picture even though it is more beneficial than other social medias.

A great need for more popularity

Indeed there is a great need for more popularity for steemit.
For us who has already joined the platform in my country, we have seen the benefits. Steemit has gone a long way to to air out the intellectual voices and writings that has been long silenced.
It has improved our outlook in life and helped us to reflect more on the things we do and the situation around us. We get to write about the serious issues pertaining to the society and at the same time earn tangible tokens just by putting our thoughts to writing.

We want this good for all our other dear friends in the country and that is the more reason why steemit should be more popularized in my country Nigeria. Steemit can be a pillar and a great source of learning and earning, and empowerment especially for young ones in Nigeria.

What are the ways you think the promotion of Steemit can be more effective in your Country? This can include special projects you have in mind.

Several projects could be made to further popularize steemit in my country. Popularizing steemit can be achieved by creating awareness through different means.

  • Speaking to someone and sharing Ideas on what steemit is about

Yes, steemit promotion in my country can be done by merely speaking one on one to someone and explaining steemit to them.

My countrymen loves seing the benefits of what they are going into therefore telling them about and showing them how steemit can be of benefit to them will help to convince many.
We should present the idea of both writing and investing since many here do not have the time or energy to write, the option of investing can be great for them.

  • Nigerian State representatives for steemit

Nigeria is a country with 36 different states and up to 500 languages and there are several areas that has not been reached with the news of steemit.
I suggest that State representatives should be appointed for steemit awareness creation and guidance. These state representatives will do the work of reaching out to people in their different states and explaining and guiding them on steemit affairs.

The country representative will be supervising the work done by this State reps and make sure they are doing well and also provide tips and encouragement. The CR can host zoom meetings with them from time to time to see how the work is going, and they can also be writing reports on the people they have been able to reach and convince.

  • Steemit promotion through the use of visual aids

Advertisement made on the media and using different forms of visual aids have been very successful. I suggest that same should be done for steemit.
Videos, billboards, flyers, demonstrations, Audios, etc. All of these can go a long way to help present steemit to to all people. This will be a very good project for steemit promotion.

  • Making and wearing steemit branded products


This is also another effective way in which steemit can be promoted in Nigeria.
Branding products with the steemit logo will help create more awareness to the public and can lead them to make more inquiries.

Do you think Steemit would be adopted more in your country if the points you listed above are implemented?

  • my point 1

It's true that a drop of water makes a great ocean, if we keep sharing with friends about steemit and they come to embrace it, they too will want to share it with this other friends and gradually steemit will be embraced by all

  • My point 2

State representatives will do a good job in reaching the heart of people in the same state. Using their language to explain steemit to them will be very effective.
Appointing state representatives will help take steemit to all nooks and crannies of Nigeria and with their help steemit can become a household name for everyone.

  • My point 3

A picture is worth a thousand words as they say, so the use of visual aids can go a long way to speak for steemit. With these visual aids, it will be easier to convince people about steemit and they get to see for themselves what it is about.

  • My point 4

I believe wearing different steemit branded products is a good an effective way to promote steemit and it can help many if not all to at least know that something like steemit exists.


I believe that with all the points that I've highlighted above, steemit awareness will be very effective in my country.

How have you contributed your quota to the development of Steemit in your community?


In my little ways, I try to create awareness of steemit in my workplace and other places. I also try to assist new ones who have already joined steemit so that they can learn an also invite others to join. Engaging in steemit promotion with other zealous steemians in my country has been a great work. Thankfully @ngoenyi normally arrange for steemit promotions and I try to join when I can and that has gone a long way in bringing more people to know about the platform.


I believe in projects such as these and I also believe it will go a long way in making steemit a household name in Nigeria. And all these can only be achieved if we all work as a team. Our goal is to creat a bigger and better awareness of steemit and it's benefits to Nigeria and I'm certain that we will get there soon.

Let's work it out dear Nigerians 🇳🇬

I invite @patjewell, @david-o, @swaylee to participate in the contest.


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Hola @madilyn02 estás gestando una visión muy clara y consisa de steemit en tu país y creo que muchos países deberíamos dar pasos firmes y con propósitos definidos así como lo hacen y lo sugieres en Nigeria.
Un país muy grande con muchos habitantes y pienso que será grandioso si se establece un representante estatal para que el trabajo sea más eficiente.
Están haciendo un gran trabajo queridos amigos de Nigeria y estoy segura que lo seguirán haciendo bien.te Mando un fuerte abrazo y muchos éxitos en la competición

Hello friend, I appreciate your support. Thank you for your visit. I believe that if we Nigerians keep being united in these promotional activities, Nigeria will be a great center for steemit.

This is a great post! Gosh Nigeria is massive! There is still so much can be done to market Steemit.
I wish South Africa was as eager.

Thanks for the invite. 🌼I will for sure drop a entry soon.

Thank you friend for your support. I hope o read your entry soon

You are very right. Nigerians would definitely jump at the first chance they see to join Steemit if only they knew so promotion is the best thing to get the message across to them. This looks like a very tempting contest to partake in but alas the chances of getting voted these days are 2% so I'd rather focus on other aspects

I understand your plights, thanks for your comment anyway. I wish you success 🌹

The regulation issue in Nigeria is a problem to the adoption if cryptos, and block chain, which steer it is affect to by such rules, this shouldn't limit us to that promotion the platform to our fellow countrymen and women. The adoption of promoting Steemit in your views will see to thousands of new users onboard on the platform

That is so true.
It will only take teamwork and consistency to make Nigeria a great center for steemit. We have what it takes and we will get there soon....

Yes we do have what it take to bring it to the level that it deserves
Steem on

I think Nigeria is one of the countries with the highest numbers of active steemians.
Bravo for your promotional activities of steemit in Nigeria.
Your branded T-shirts and cap for the promotional activities are captivating.

Thank you for your support. I'm proud of my fellow Nigerians, I'm sure if we continue with the same zeal we will get to our goals.

Yeah it's a known fact that Nigerians are the most populated in the platform however as you have already said, not up to 10% on Nigeria and in this platform. I think not even up to 5% looking at the population of Nigerians here that means we still have a lot of work.

You are spoken about interesting ways in which we can promote the platform in our various countries. I believe the idea of a state representative is also good. If we can have somebody in each state or region or area to coordinated activities of Steemit then I believe things will be better.

State representatives will be very effective for us in Nigeria, that way all the regions can be reached.
Thank you for visiting my post and for your support. We hope for Nigeria to be a great center for steemit.

You have written so well about your dream for steemit. Seriously I enjoyed reading all your point and I think if they are put into consideration steemit will be know in Nigeria. I wish you all the best.

Thank you for your good wishes. I'm also certain that the points i outlined in my post will be very effective.

You are welcome 😊

I also think that if we explain the benefits of this steemit platform to every person in our country in a very nice way, then they will be inspired to work here very well. I really like your media. Thank you very much for your entry.

I'm happy that you liked my points. Thank you for visiting my post and for your support.

You have said well. Talking to othet people about this platform will certainly go a long well as though we can communicate effectively by words. It is indeed a great initiative. Also wearing of the steemit platform brands will leave users to wonder and inquire about the platform. Greetings!

Yes, those means of promotions will be very effective, I believe Nigerians can make it happen. Thank you for your visit 🌱

You are welcome.

Nigeria is one of the countries with more users in Steemit; however, it is necessary to make it reach more people, and you have proposed excellent advertising campaigns that would help to do so.

Thank you friend, its true that steemit should be made to reach more areas and more people in my country.

Congratulations, your post has been supported by @steem4nigeria. This is the official community account of Nigerians on Steemit. You can reach us here on our community account.

Manual Curator : @Reminiscence01

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Thank you dear community

Waooo I can see the few points which you have mentioned if implement it Steemit will go a long way. Steemit is not well known in Nigeria on like other social media platform

That's right! And Nigerians can make it happen

The knowledge of steemit is increasing day by day in Nigeria thanks to all our active steemians who spread the news to their friends and relatives.

Dear friend you are right that steemit is being adopted a lot in Nigeria on a daily basis because the people here are promoting it a lot which is a very good thing.

Nigerian State representatives for steemit
Nigeria is a country with 36 different states and up to 500 languages and there are several areas that has not been reached with the news of steemit.

I really like your point. Yes you are right that if it happens then it will be very good for steemit and people will start to know more about it.

Dear friend, after reading your post, I have come up with new ways to promote steemit. I appreciate your work and finally, as a friend, I request you to visit my post as well. Its a humble request and I uploaded my post two days ago. Thanks....

Greetings 🇵🇰

I'm super happy that you appreciate the points in my posts, I'm also certain that if they are implemented will go a long way

Yes you are right friend.

Though most people here know about the steem coin because of the popularity of crypto currency, but much do not yet know about the steemit project

People know about the steem token without knowing about steemit ? I think this looks like something bad but it’s a good thing you know. It actually makes it very easy to able to convince them to join the platform.

You can be like : hey have you heard of steemit platform where you can actually earn steemit by working ?

And he or she will be like wow tell me more and then that’s it you will be able to recruit them and then also guide them all the way.

We want this good for all our other dear friends in the country and that is the more reason why steemit should be more popularized in my country Nigeria

Yes, we do want all our friends to hear about this good platform. But with the experience some people have had with online platforms, they always prefer to stay away when they hear about online stuff. I remember once I was trying to recruit a friend and all he could tell was he was busy. I knew he wasn’t that busy but he didn’t wanna tell me in a hash way and I will feel bad. I understood why he did that , but I didn’t stop there I tried all my best and recruited him😂.

Nigerian State representatives for steemit

Yep, when you put it this way I think it actually makes a lot of sense🤔. Nigeria has a very large population and if each state has its own reps it will really help. Just 2 or 3 reps for the whole country is big stress and even though they have tried their best it looks like it’s not enough.

try to create awareness of steemit in my workplace and other places

For you even without seeing pictures in this post I have seen the promotional work that you do and all I can say is you are doing a really great job . Keep on with the good work and one day we will certainly see the steemit dream come true.

Thank you for that practical application you did, I've learnt from it, I could adopt that method and see how it was Ros well for me 😊.

State representatives will be a great idea for steemit promotion and awareness..

I appreciate your visit and commendations

Dear @madilyn02, you've written so well about your dream for steemit in your country and if all these points listed above is executed, I believe that steemit will be well-known in most part of Nigeria.

Success in the contest!

Thank you for your wish, soon we will achieve our dreams for steemit in Nigeria

Are you satisfied with your explanations about this topic


Oh! I applaud your effort to bring Steem and Steemit to every corner of your environment, I think I have had to do a similar promoter job only here in Venezuela, and the experience has been gratifying... Let's continue working for growth.


That's right, we will keep taking the news of steemit to other friends. I appreciate your visit 🌹

Advertisement made on the media and using different forms of visual aids have been very successful. I suggest that same should be done for steemit.
Videos, billboards, flyers, demonstrations, Audios,

I can see that from all what you have said it obvious that went all the concept are apply the platform may goes to a higher high which is of great important as far as the steemit platform is concerned

Our goal is to take make steemit known to all so we are determined to apply any method that best suits. Thank you for your visit

Yes, lots of efforts had been made and are still being made to promote steemit on Nigeria, we will never rest until we see our desires come to pass, your suggestions are good too if implemented, keep steeming @madlilyn02.

Thank you so much ma, for your encouragement. Nigeria will soon become a great center for steemit

Yes, thank you for your good remarks.