Do It Yourself 👉 Drawing| week 34: Drawing a Seahorse

in hive-147599 •  4 months ago 

1000033571.jpg My Pencil Sketch

Drawing a Seahorse.

The Seahorse is another fascinating but odd creature of the sea. Totally made out of spear parts from other animals. Its head was borrowed from a horse, got the body armour of an armadillo, the fins of a fish, the eye, and skin of a chameleon, and got its tail from a monkey.
As if that was not enough, did you know that the male seahorse is the one who gets pregnant. Yes, a total reversal of the usual role. He carries the eggs in his brood pouch, nourishing and protecting them, till he gives birth to life young. So romantic! he would dance for his woman during courtship.

So, do you now agree with me? or should I add the fact that seahorses do not have a belly or a digestive system at all? As if that was not enough, this carnivorous animal has no teeth at all.

It feeds mostly on plancton, fish larvae, and small crustaceans, which it swallows with the help of its long snout. With only a short intestine, the food passes quickly, and in 1 or 2 hours, all the nutrients is sucked out. If you need one as a pet, you will have to feed it every two to three hours because they eat all the time, which may be why they did not wait to get a stomach. Hmmm!

Though the fish did not tell them how to use those fins, making them slow swimmers. The monky did a good job teaching them how to use that tail and grap on seaweed when sea current is strong. If they cannot out run a pray, they can at least see them coming from a far and deploy their camouflage.

But if confronted, they have nothing else, can't swim fast, no teeth to bite with, no real poison or vernon, not even an aggressive behaviour. They can't protect their woman and that is why they would have to help her with the pregnancy.

I have seen it many time in crayfish, often very tiny, you would have to pay attention to see them.

What do we need when drawing an octopus?

To draw the seahorse, I got this comfortable seat with all needed materials in place. Below are the items I made use of.

Item Qty Description
A Guide 1to look and draw
Galaxy A151Capturing the steps
Plain Paper1used as a canvas
HB/2 Pencil1for sketching
An Eraser1for cleaning errors
Colour pencils1for colouring
The Procedure

Step 1 [Preparing the Canvas]

I had my drawing paper cut and ready for drawing.


I started the drawing of the seahorse with my username at the bottom of the plain paper.

Step 2


Next was the seahorse's head which looked more like that of a horse. This resemblance is likely where it got its name.

Step 3


At this point, the seahorse still looks like a horse. The mouth, the jaws, the structure of the face, the head and how it connects to its neck.

Step 4


Now, the whole outline is ready, makes it look more like an seahorse.


Adding more details to the outline.

Step 5 [Shading ]


Addind some pencil shading and colour to the seahorse


Step 6 [Finishing]



It's time for my selfie

It's time for another selfie with the drawing. I will love to have the following Steemians participate in this drawing contest @edukan, @bela90 and @oasiskp

Media Credit
Graphics by@manuelhooks
Captured withGalaxy A15
Edited withPhoto App

#benton3-diy34 #drawing #art
#learnwithsteem #club5050

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Your beautiful art came out really nice, it's obvious you put in a lot to achieve this masterpiece. I wish you the very best.

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Hola amigo, hiciste un buen trabajo con tu dibujo, el paso a paso bastante detallado y muy ordenado.

Felicidades por tu trabajo, éxitos.


Querido amigo,
gracias por los comentarios alentadores que hiciste sobre mi trabajo de dibujo. Ese sentimiento de ser apreciado me hace querer hacer más. No soy un artista, aunque me encantaba dibujar. Me perfeccioné aquí en Steemit y el proceso aún está en curso. Créditos al mundo de WORLD OF XPILAR y a las personas poderosas que corrigieron, criticaron y me mostraron cómo hacerlo.