The Diary Game/How I spent my Day/29.08.2022/By @mjerry

in hive-147599 •  2 years ago  (edited)


Hello dear steemians, I hope you are all doing good. I am @mjerry and I am very happy to be here in this community. Today I will be shearing my diary with you all on how I spent my day at the market and at work, it was a very hectic day but well utilized. Please relax as u go through


Today is a great day for me because I woke up healthy and strong this morning around 7:00am. I start with observing my quite time and prayers then had small stretching exercises, I did my morning chores, then I went straight to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. I wanted to prepare custard pap but discover that it was finish I had to change my mind to cook something else to eat. I letter decide to prepare Noodles with egg for breakfast. Yummy! It was delicious, I finish taking my breakfast at exactly 8:37.


After breakfast I relax for some hours before I move on with other activities.


I stood up around 12:00 pm then take my bath and went to the market to buy some foodstuffs and tomatoes to cook stew, I visited the Kulende Market located at Ilorin South LGA in Kwara State, Nigeria. I was able to buy what I needed at the market. The items I bought was rice, beans, tomatoes, onions, potatoes and others petty items I needed. I then went to grand the tomatoes i bought.


I came back home straight to cook stew with the tomatoes I bought from the market. It took me some few hours to prepare my delicious rice and stew🍜 and fruits to help balance the diet.


I decided to get some little rest, in the process i slept off and forgot to set alarm to remain me to get set for office early. I woke up by 2:00 pm and i was supposed to be at the office by 2:30 and my office is 15 minute drive from my house.

Despite all effort to be early, i arrived office a little bit late, I miss some huddle session and also important update aswell. Working as CCR requires me to be up to date so that i can correctly give up to date information regard the companies product and services to client calling for support and clarifications. I had to stay back with my boss for little briefing before I went to log in for my shift.

Evening/Night Period

I start working from 3:00 pm and we had no much client on queue so there was less or no work at that time.


So i letter went to the canteen around 6:00 to eat, i sat with my colleague Labaran who is a Manchester United fans, we sat and analyse the probability of who will win the premier leaguechampions League. The discussion ended with no agreement as we are from different club side.

I closed from the office at 9:00 pm and got back home around 9:25 PM. I was so exhausted and couldn't do anything but move straight to take my bath, after my bath I took my phone to check my block.

I really had a hectic day but it was a day well spent because the major thing I intended to achieve were accomplished.

Thanks for reading.

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You said you had a hectic day, but it seems to be fun filled from my point of view.
From eating wonderfully prepared meals to going to work at noon.. What could be sweeter.? 😍😍

You have a hectic day as you said but to me, it is a lovely day, you did little exercise after waking up, ate that delicious noodles, and after coming back to market you still make time to take a nap before going to work. It's a day well spent indeed and I can see you added veg to the two meals to balance your food, that is good. Thank you for sharing.
