Egoism and the human nature

in hive-147599 •  2 years ago 



The gods are gone. In their place are humans, and since the fall of man, we have been in a constant state of war. We have killed one another, become slaves to each other, and have struggled on for eons while the earth dies around us.

Who would the gods choose?

The gods would choose the one who is most capable, the one who is most compassionate, the one who is most loving and selfless.

In other words: they would choose you!

The only thing we do without fail is fail.

The only thing we do without fail is fail. We learn from our failures, but we also make them happen again and again until we get it right.

This is what happens when you’re an egoist: your self-worth depends on how well you perform in the world, and if something goes wrong—if someone dies or your business doesn’t turn out as planned—you don't know how else to respond except by going back to the same place where things went wrong before (or even worse).

Love, service, and emotional health are not absolutes.

The simple truth is that love, service and emotional health are not absolutes. They are conditional on factors like how you feel about yourself and who you are. If you're feeling down on yourself or don't like who you see in the mirror, this can impact your ability to give of your time freely and joyfully.

Love: Love is not unconditional—it's based on conditions such as reciprocity (and sometimes even reciprocation). For example: if someone gives me money but doesn't ask anything in return (like help with chores), then I wouldn't call it "love." This person may have feelings toward me that aren't as deep as ours would be if he asked for something from me every time we met (or even every day). Even though these types of relationships exist within our society today! But does this mean we shouldn’t try them? No way! Instead of being afraid of them because they might go wrong one day...just go ahead and try them out anyway! Then later decide whether or not they worked out well enough before moving forward into another type of relationship where more commitment required between friends/lovers etcetera…but again...don’t rule anything out just yet!"

Your fiefdom.

A fiefdom is a territory you control, where you have the power to make and enforce your own rules.

A good way to get one is by being an influential person in your community, such as a local politician or business owner. You can also build up a reputation for yourself as someone who does things well and consistently delivers results, which will help you get noticed by other people who might want their own fiefdom someday (or already have one).

The benefits of having a fiefdom are obvious: You get to decide how things run around here! That means no more having others tell me what I should do all day long—I'll be able to set my own schedule from now on...and maybe even hire some new employees if there's demand for more work than what I'm currently doing."

Love is a battle.

Love is a battle. It's not just about two people falling in love and then living happily ever after, it's about survival and struggle. Love is war, it's fight for survival.

When you love someone and they don't love you back, it hurts because that means that your best friend isn't really your best friend anymore; he or she has become something else entirely—and who wants to be with someone who only sees them as an object?


If you’re not willing to sacrifice for another person, if you can’t put in the effort to love someone else because it might hurt your feelings or make them upset with you, then who are you? You aren’t a person; you are an egoist.

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