What will you do if you become an Orca on Steemit? By @one-person

in hive-147599 •  3 years ago  (edited)


Before commencing this discuss, I would like to start by defining certain terms which are generally relevant within the steemit ecosystem and directly relevant to this particular piece of work.

Who is an Orca?
I am personally not a fan of class distinction but the fact is we cannot escape it in our world and the same is evident within the steemit eco system, the efforts and investment some people have put into the operation of this network distinguishes them from others and as such, there are different grades of steemit users. The different grades are dependent on the amount of steem power held. There are 5 categories of steemit users which I would be talking about:

1. Red Fish/Plankton:
This is the point in your steemit career where you have less than 500 steem power. The stage where we all start from. It is the stage I am in now and I can relate perfectly with the struggle of everyone on the same level. There's a lot of uncertainty involved, considering the fact that making progress is not all that easy at this point. Notwithstanding, I would like to offer a word of encouragement to every plankton that will come across this, do not be discourage, keep the flag flying and the rewards will come. I think the inclusion of the color red in the name isn't entirely coincidental, considering that it indicates desire, passion and love. Elements that need to be engaged to progress.

2. Minnows
Funny when I first joined steemit, I thought I was a minnow but upon examining deeper, I realized I am in actual fact a plankton. Minnows refer to those steemit users who have above 500 steem power but below 5000 stem power. In this case, growing is a bit easier considering the fact that most people on this level have a level of understanding on the operations of the steemit ecosystem thus creating an ease of navigation through the needed elements for growth.

3. Dolphins
These signify the first level of big fish in the body of water known as the steemit ecosystem. A dolphin on steemit operates at a level higher than 5000 steem power but below 50,000 steem power. At this point, a user can easily make meaningful contributions to communities without breaking a sweat.

4. Orca
Now this is the level of steemit users which birthed this post in the first place. An Orca refers to a steemit user who as attained the level of having up to 50,000 steem power but below ** 500,000 steem power**. To achieve this level of steem power is really not an easy feat, no matter the route taken. Highly commendable.

5. Whales
These refers to the highest level of power holders on steemit. These people, in most cases are not usually in it for the profit, but to impact the steemit ecosystem. Their involvement in your post can make or mar you. They have 500,000 steem power and above.

Dead fish
This refers to persons who were introduced to the steemit ecosystem, have an account but left the accounts inactive due to reasons best known to them.

With the above, I believe I have answered the question "who is an Orca?". But for clarification purposes, an Orca is a steemit user with steem power of above 50,000 but less than 500,000.

How many steem power do I need to become an Orca?
To answer this I would be doing quick maths😂

image source

So I am currently on 20.1 steem power and the required required amount of steem power required to become an Orca is 50,000.
The simple solution to the answer sought is 50,000-20.1 = 49,979.9
Basically I need 49.979.9 steem power to become an Orca on steemit.

How long do I think it will take me to become an Orca?
I am setting the target of 18 months from today to be on the level of an Orca. Not because I have a specific data to make a calculation on how I will achieve the sought aim. I just intend to make as much effort as is required to do so, both in content creation and financial investments. Come September 2023, I intend to come back to this post to say "mama I made it" Lol

What will I do if I become an Orca?
I would like to rephrase this as "what will I do WHEN I become an Orca" because I intend to do everything legally possible to become one. For me, I have the intention invest heavily in the communities that helped me to achieve my aim and I also intend to headline a community where others can benefit just as I am currently benefitting from this community. I have plans in progress and just need the right inputs to actualize them. In addition, I think I would keep powering up because, why stop there? If I can achieve that, then I can achieve more.

What am I doing to be an Orca?
For me, I believe there are two basic ways to it, that is, a steady release of quality content on the steemit platform OR purchasing steem power to achieve the desired steem power sought, to be an Orca.
I do not have the financial capability right now, to make the needed steem purchase to achieve my aim so I am opting for the feasible option available to me which is uploading good content.
I have come up with poetry, I run a series for law related topics and random musings. I also intend to start a story writing series later today which I assure you will find interesting and educating.
By pushing out content like this and combining it with powering up from time to time, I know it's only a matter of time.

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Kudos to your plans. Let's work towards it.

Thanks for making an entry for the contest. Your contest entry is well acknowledged.

Subsequently, try to set some rewards beneficiary to our official account, @steem4nigeria. Thank you.