in hive-147599 •  3 years ago 

Greetings beautiful people of this community, it feels so good to have an active community for Nigerians. It's been a long time coming, special thanks to all the team members. This is my first post in this community and I will be sharing how I spent my last Saturday with you all.


Saturday is mostly known for women as cleaning day, a day to put the house in order, so my Saturday was a cleaning day as well just this time around it was a full house, my husband was around so was my sister in law, so it's going to be an amazing weekend for me all thanks to the local government election that took place in my city that day. We woke up late because we knew we weren't going anywhere, on norms we wake up around 5am but this particular Saturday we were still in bed till around 7 am, it was a needed rest, I enjoyed every part of it but the sun has started rising so we have to get out of bed, to do the morning prayers and clean the house. My husband lead the morning prayers as usually and after the prayers, we did bible study and we read Romans chapter 11, I really learnt about grace in that chapter, that will be story for another day. So after the study my husband was already hungry, so I went to the kitchen to make some breakfast by this time my daughter also was already awake, she woke up happy and was jumping up and down the house looking for what to scatter as always. I made egg, tea and bread for breakfast, we all eat and face the plans for the day.


I had some dishes to wash and clothes as well, so I on the TV to play cartoon for my daughter so I can do my work fully, the cartoon will keep her busy and she won't stress me. I used the washer to wash the clothes, so while the clothes were in the machine I went to wash the dishes. I was able to finish all within 30 minutes wanted to sweep the floors and mop it but my sister-in-law was helping with that already, I was really happy so I just went to the room to wash the toilets. I did all these listening to my favorite music congratulations my Ada Ehi. It's a faith song about how God can turn things around and your new song will be congratulations. I love the music a lot and it has a way to lift my spirit. When I was done with washing the toilet, I took my bath.


After my bath I took some rest and operate my phone for a while, had a chat with few friends and also checked my steem blog, my daughter was all over me by this time, I perceive she's hungry so I made her lunch and fed her and she won't stop crying so I know by now she wants to sleep, so I pet her to sleep while she was sleeping I went to the kitchen to cook beans, for some weird reason I have been craving beans so I cooked it and really enjoyed myself. My husband is not really a fan of beans but he eat this one so well and liked it as well. After we finished the meal we watched a movie together.


I can't really recall the name of the movie but it was a foreign movie about a treasure hunt. In the movie a guy was trying to clear his grandfather's name and to do that he has to find a treasure hunt but as always there were bad guys after the treasure as well. I couldn't finished the movie because I got bored along the line, so I decided to listen to some Christian messages by the time I was done baby Marve was already awake playing with her dad in the sitting room.


She went to the kitchen to take my apron and her dad decided to wear it for her, funny people. It was already getting late so I went to to kitchen to make dinner, the soup is already in the freezer it's just to make the swallow which is garri. I made the dinner, I ate with my husband and after eating he had to go to church for evening prayers.


After a while I had to bath my daughter and get her ready for bed. We had some mummy and daughter time, I like to spend some time with her, just talking about my day even though she doesn't really understand me, I just want to get used to it so when she grows up it will have become a habit for us. I read a Bible story for her and she slept off while sucking. Yes! My baby is still sucking breast, in Nigeria that can look like old fashion but breastfeeding a child for two years is actually a good thing for the baby, so I decided to ignore what people will say and still breastfeed my child regardless of the insult. I will always do what's best for my child. So she slept off and I went to have my own bath to sleep as well but wanted to wait for my husband before I slept, so I went to the sitting room watching news, by the way I hate watching news because you barely hear any good news in the television these days, I'm just using it to pass time. My husband came not long after, we had a talk for a while and decided to retire to bed!

That was how I spent my amazing day, thank you for your time. It's almost night right here in Nigeria, so to everyone in Nigeria I wish you a pleasant evening and to everyone not in the same time zone. Pleasant day to you all!


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Honestly, I enjoyed your story, u really took your time to explain your day's activities. Thanks for sharing

Thank you so much.

A day well spent. I enjoyed reading this piece from you. The action and appearance of the lil beauty is heartwarming, I love kids with their sense of curiosity, I'm sure she felt mom has been wearing this, let me give it a trial 😆. Thanks for sharing with us.

That's correct. Thank you for your thoughtful comment.

You are welcome.