in hive-147599 •  2 years ago 


The word etymology means the study of the origins, history and changing meanings of words. In this post, we shall find out the etymology of the following words: Evil spirit, devil, Satan, dragon and demon; for these words were used in the Bible by the original writers to describe the nature and character of Satan and the evil spirits.


The Hebrew word for evil spirit is “ra” while in Greek is “Kakos”. These two words have the same meaning, which includes spoiling, to break in pieces, being broken and so, made worthless. From this we conclude that in the thought of the original writers of the Bible evil spirit means a destroying spirit, spirits of calamities and disaster and this gives credence to African beliefs that demons are responsible for all the calamities of man on earth.


This is a Hebrew word while in Greek it is “APOLLYON” and they are synonymous with evil spirits and they portray these evil spirits as destroyers and thieves. Jesus confirmed this in John 10:10, by stressing that “The thief (Satan) comes only to steal and kill and destroy…” the devil and demons as we are studying them do not want to go down to the lake of fire alone. They are furious about their exclusion from the eternal kingdom of God, while eternal doom is waiting for them.



This is the most powerful word for evil spirit. The Hebrew word for devil is _“Sair” and “Sed” meaning hairy deity (god). He moves people to worship him and his demons. He is not afraid to demand worship from Jesus Christ (Matt. 4:10). The children of Israel were accused of serving another god from time to time (see Psa. 106:19-37).

And he is responsible for all the idol worship that is going on today, hence, he demands worship from victims. The word devil is also an adjective word denoting Satan’s evil work and nature as a wicked one.


This is a Hebrew word, which means an adversary, enemy or an opponent. “Be sober, be vigilant” ‘Peter said “because your adversary the devil like a roaring lion walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: (1Peter 5:8). His work is to resist and oppose anybody who wants to do the will of ELOHIM here on earth.


This is a Greek adaptation of the Hebrew word Beelzebub which means “the Lord of the fly”. In his fallen state7 he is found to be going to and fro in the earth, looking for an opportunity to accuse the Children of God before Him as it was in the case of Job in the bible (Job 1:7). His intention 5is to destroy the works of God here on earth, especially man because he bear the image of God.


Satan is the author and commander in chief of demonic hosts.


In the book of Revelation. 12:9; 20:2; _He is the one who deceived Eve and still deceives men and women today. Satan was addressed by Jesus in John 8:44 as father of all liars and murderers. Anything untrue, and the boldness to murder originated from Satan and his evil associates.


Intercepting anything that promotes the dominion of the kingdom of God and children of God, for instance, in the book of Daniel chapter 10:12-13; we read:

“Then said he unto me, fear not, Daniel; for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words. But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days; but, lo, Michael one of the chief princes came to help me: and I remained there with the kings of Persia.

Here reveals why we must not e up whenever we are praying for a particular need until what we are asking for comes true.



(John, 14:30; 1 John. 5:19). He is in the control of the world system;- that is, the unbelieving people of this world. He corrupts their minds and spurs them to commit sin, rebuff and snob God and mistreat fellow human beings. This is why he is called “the corrupter of the mind” (2 Cor. 11:13). He also “blinds the mind of them that believe not; lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God should shine unto them. 2 Corinthians. 4:4;

These are the names given to Satan and other evil spirits in the Bible and each name reveals their nature and character. Knowing these names and what they are standing for will help the reader to be better equipped against them.

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