Steem4nigeria Accelerator Contest Week 41: Navigating Through Conflicts by @rossnenye

in hive-147599 •  10 months ago 
Hello everyone, good evening to you all. Welcome back to my blog. I'm so excited to participate in this contest titled "Navigating Through Conflicts"


How do you manage to stay calm during an argument?

Well, I have learnt over the years that spoken words can never come back, it is like a wildfire that once it goes out it can cause a lot of damage. I'm this type of person that gets easily annoyed during arguments and can say so many hurtful words. So anytime I remember that I might say a hurtful word during arguments I maintain my cool.

Secondly I prioritize my mental health because have noticed that unnecessary argument messes with one mental health and I have prioritize my happiness over everything. Thirdly, life is like a puff of air. This minute we're existing the next minute we're gone so while waste my energy on arguments?

Why is it important to listen carefully during a disagreement?

It is important to listen carefully during arguments for the following reasons.

  • To understand the other person's point of view
    Listening attentively will help to understand the other person's perspective and also help in solving the argument.

  • To avoid misunderstanding
    It will also limit misinterpretation thereby avoiding misunderstanding.

  • Reaching a resolution
    It will also go a long way in solving the conflict.

How does understanding someone else's feelings help in resolving conflicts?

Understanding someone's feeling will help to understand the cause of the problem. It will also help to reduce the tension and also help find solution to the problem.

What can we do to control our anger during an argument?


  • Take a deep breath
    Always take a deep breath to calm yourself before speaking.

  • Think before speaking
    Think of what to say before speaking in order to avoid words that can trigger you.

  • Listen attentively
    Listen attentively so as not to speak base on assumptions.

  • Take a break
    When the argument becomes too tense and you can't maintain your cool, take a break in order not to lose it.

Finally, argument is something that we seen in our day to day life with people but we should always try our best to manage the moment well. Thanks for reading through my post, I invite @jovita30, @chima09 and @bessie2023 to participate in this contest.

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I really enjoy reading your post and thanks for the mentioning.


Very true. Listening to others would allow for clearer understanding. Thanks for mentioning me

Argument gets the best part of everyone. When we are, we don't not care about people's feelings but rather we care about winning the argument. I see argument as sports for unserious people. You can not have better things to do and then decide to waste your time arguing on issues that are Irrelevant.