Steem4nigeria Accelerator Contest Week 53: Parental Enforcement of Decisions on Children.

in hive-147599 •  7 months ago 

Assalam O alaikum.

Making decision is a big part of growing up. But sometimes our parents step in to help us make these choices. They have more experience and want the best for us. But is it always right for them to influence our decisions? In this post i will discuss parental enforcement of decisions on children and share some thoughts on when and how parents should guide their children.

Parental Influence: Is It Okay?

Parents believe they know what is best for childrens they might try to influence important decision like choose career path or picking a marriage partner. While intention are usually good it essential to remembers that every child's is an individual with their own dreams and preferences. It okay for parents to offer advices and share their experience but children should have the freedom to make their own choices. This helps them grow into independent and responsible adults.


Guidance in Marriage and Education

It come to significant life decisions such as marriage or education parents play a crucial role in guiding their childrens. They can provide valuable insights based on their life experiences helping children avoid mistakes and make informed choices.The final decisions should always rest with the child. After all that are the ones who will live with the consequences of their choices. Parents should support their children offering guidance without enforcing their own will.


Can Parents Misguide Their Children?

Some times parents might unintentionally mis guide their children. This can happens when parents impose their own unfulfilled dream or desires onto their childrens. For example parent might push their child into a particular career because it was some thing they wanted to do but could not. While parents mean well this can lead to frustration and unhappiness for the child.


Personal Experience

In my own life i have seen how parental enforcement of decisions can create tension. A friend of mine was forced into studying a course she had no interest in because her parents believed it would lead to a stable career. She struggled through her studies and eventually switched to a field she was passionate about. This experience taught me that while parents' guidance is important children should have the final say in their own lives.


I am inviting friends @lirvic @hanny1 @aviral123

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In my own case, it was my dad’s guidance that helped me in my choice of course because I wanted to read political science and I’m glad I followed his advice.

You're very right by saying that parent can guide their children make decisions due to their long standing experience on earth and also the fact that they don't want their children to make same mistakes they have done in life, but at the end of it, they should allow their children to take the final decision because they're the ones that will live with the consequence when it arises.

Thank you for publishing this post, wish you luck.


Keep in mind that parental control apps are only effective when installed with your child's consent. Otherwise, the child will simply find ways to bypass the restrictions you're paying for. That's why I recommend the free parental control apps I found here Talk to your children about internet safety and why certain behaviors, content or relationships they see online should be off limits for now