||Steemit Engagement Challenge /Season 5 Week 2 : 3 Best Characters Vs 3 Worst Characters (behavioral traits that I have)

in hive-147599 •  2 years ago 
Hello everyone I am @shahariar1 from #banagladesh. Welcome to my post
We humans each have good and bad qualities. We all should. Practice our good qualities. and discarding our bad qualities. @steem4nigeria would like to thank you for creating this beautiful contest. Through this competition we will learn about the good qualities of different people. And knowing all those qualities, I can practice myself. And we will also get the idea of ​​how to get rid of all the bad qualities in us.

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3 Best Characters
I think I should not praise myself. Since there is a competition task, I am sharing with you my three best characters.
  • Pious people.
  • Empathy
  • Honesty or truthfulness.

I think these three qualities are my best character. Let's discuss the qualities in detail.

Pious people :

I am a religious person. This is the best character among my best characters. All the religions of the world make people possess the overall best character. Makes a man great. A great sage said, even if you have completed all the education in the world, if you do not have religious knowledge, then all your knowledge is in vain. So we all should learn morality. Only successful people are those who spend their lives grateful to the Supreme Creator. Everyone should acquire religious knowledge and spend their lives religiously.


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source :https://pixabay.com/images/id-4178664/

Empathy :

Another of my best characters is Empathy. Let's find out what is Empathy? And who should we sympathize with? A person can empathize with different people in different places. For example, to classmates, to colleagues, to friends during sports, and to distressed people. And you can have this compassion for your neighbor as well. Wherever you are, depending on the place and the person, you can project this character of empathy. Which will make you a place in people's hearts. I think we should all be kind to each other.


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Honesty is one of my best characters. Actually what we think we ourselves are honest and the world is full of dishonest. But this is not the case. In our life we ​​face various situations and resort to lies. One lie begets ten more lies and leads you to a low minded person. We should resort to honesty in any situation. Honesty enables you to face difficult situations. Face any situation with honesty. You will see that success will be yours.


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3 Worst Characters
Let's talk about my three worst characters, which I am always trying to get rid of but can't. I always advise others to abandon aspects.

  • Angry Man
  • Laziness
  • Eater.

Angry Man:

Excessive anger is one of my worst characters. I constantly try to control my anger. Let's take a look at what excess anger does to us. Anger occupies about 70% of the mind of most of us. Anger is the inner manifestation of anger. And anger is an expression of inferiority. Anger is such a poison. Which you drink yourself and think your opponent will die. As the saying goes, if you get angry, you lose. So let us try to control our anger. Keep yourself calm.


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Laziness is another one of my worst characters. But I am not lazy at all. My laziness is only in waking up in the morning. Every successful person wakes up early in the morning. But I can't wake up with such laziness in my morning. I try to wake up early every day. I think I will get over my laziness in a few days. Remember all the defeats in my life are due to laziness. We should all shun laziness.


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We must eat moderate amount of food to keep our body healthy. Excess food is harmful to our health. But fast food doesn't work for me. I keep eating. When I see fast food, I eat it without thinking about how much I should eat. After eating, I realized that I had eaten too much. and later become ill. I could not even try to leave this matter. We all should be conscious about food and we should eat in moderation. Remember that excess food is harmful to health.


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These were the 3 best characters and 3 worst characters. I hope you like my post. I am ending today's post by wishing that everyone will be very well and healthy.


I invite my dear friends to participate in this contest.

Contest Link


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I liked your entry. Its glad to know that you are a religious person who knows the difference of right and wrong. I see that you also know your wrong habits which when once realized are not so difficult to correct. I hope you best of luck for your contest

Thank you very much. Your nice comments inspire me to post.

Como persona religiosa es lógico que practique la honestidad y, me imagino, que otras virtudes de las que Dios bendice porque están destinadas al buen proceder. Dentro de esta misma perspectiva está la empatía, por supuesto.
Con respecto a sus tres rasgos negativos, me parece muy bien que intente controlarlos, ya que la ira solo trae problemas, comer demasiado es un pecado y la pereza puede inducirlo a la obesidad si se combina con lo anterior. Éxitos, amigo. saludos...

Thank you very much for reading my post carefully. Your comments are very valuable to me. Your comments inspire me to post. thank you

Thank you so much for sharing your post with us. I like your contest. Best of luck brother...

Thank you for your comment friend.
