Steem4nigeria Accelerator Contest Week 33: Celebrating and Cherishing a Mother’s Love

in hive-147599 •  last year 

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How would you define a mother and what do you consider to be her responsibilities?

A mother's love is like no other force on this planet. She's basically an angel that brings new life into this crazy world we live in. When the nights get dark and stormy, a mom is that comforting light that guides you through. Her heart runs as deep as the deepest ocean - her love for her kids is truly unconditional and unmatched.

The bond between a mom and her child is sacred, unlike any other relationship. From the moment she gives birth, that kid becomes her entire world and life mission. Their happiness becomes her happiness, simple as that. No matter what, she'll always be ready to protect them from any pain or suffering, even if it means putting herself at risk.

A mother's job is never done – She's got a million and one responsibilities piled on her shoulders, for real. First and foremost, it's her job to guide her child onto the righteous path and do everything in her power to mould them into a good, upstanding, moral person that society can be proud of.

Every aspect of her kid's life - health, school, hobbies, you name it - is her responsibility to manage and maintain. Yeah, I could go on and on about a mother's infinite responsibilities and duties. She literally dedicates her entire existence to her children. That's why the angel title fits like a glove.

Can you list some sacrifices that mothers often make for their children?

Let me put it simply - you can't even begin to put a mother's endless sacrifices into words. Sacrifice is basically a mom's middle name. Her whole life is one huge sacrifice for her kids. Let me paint the picture:

The first big sacrifice happens during those 9 months of carrying her baby. Morning sickness, dizziness, swollen feet - she goes through it all. And then the grand finale - childbirth. The pain is unreal, but she'll embrace it fully if it means bringing her baby safely into the world, even if it risks her own life.

After giving birth, the sacrifices only multiply. Say goodbye to sleep - she'll be up all night long caring for the newborn. Hunger and thirst become afterthoughts - her child's needs come first before she even thinks about nourishing herself. A mother's wants and needs get put on permanent hold for her kids.

Her desires, joys, hopes and dreams - they all get handed over to her children. She lives fully for them and follows their lead without hesitation. All her energy, time, money - poured into giving her kids the best life possible.

And if danger ever arises, a mother won't hesitate to put her own life at risk if it means shielding her child from harm. There's no limit to the sacrifices she'll make to keep her kids safe.

In what ways does a mother’s love influence an individual’s character and personal growth?

A mother's love isn't just some abstract idea - it shapes who we become as human beings down to the core.

First off, mom is the very first person a newborn knows in this world. Every word from her mouth, every small action - it all leaves a permanent imprint on that tiny developing mind and spirit. Her unconditional nurturing, her behaviors and traits - those shape the foundations of her child's values and true self.

If a mother has an ounce of kindness in her, you can be sure her child will too. If she works hard, those same qualities get passed down. That's why the saying goes that mothers are the foundational pillars holding the whole household together.

A mother's love breeds more love, sure. But it also feeds self-confidence and healthy self-esteem. Having that one person who loves you unconditionally, no matter what, lets you face the world fearlessly believing in yourself. You know you always have your mom in your corner through thick and thin.

When a mom shares her child's joy and pain, she teaches the kid that happiness is even sweeter when split, while sadness hurts less when the burden is shared. That's truly an invaluable life lesson only a mother can bestow.

What are some ways we can celebrate our mothers and express gratitude for their love?

That being asked, can we, in fact, ever thank our mothers enough or pay homage to her for that divine love showered on to us? Even a whole lifetime's worth of appreciation does feel insufficient for such a great love. But we still need to celebrate these angels, right?

We can show her in the easiest manner by showering love and respect at all times. Be very kind to her and listen with full attention, keeping her at the top of your priority list. These small things bring so much peace to a mother's heart.

We can always make their day when we give little bursts of joy and surprises, like help around the house or something they want given to them. Never belittle how those small efforts can make a mother truly happy.

If our mothers are ailing or slowly ageing, we become direct care providers: Do the chores, manage the medication, do everything to make them comfortable. Few things are as rewarding for a mother.

And if we live far away, the least we can do is give our moms a call every single day. Just hearing their child's voice can fill them with cosmic bliss. It reassures them we're spiritually by their sides always.

You know, at the end of the day, this celestial love from the mother is something that one can never repay or match. But little efforts from us can make her feel cherished beyond words for this divine gift she has given. Celebrating her is the least we can do.

I trust that you enjoyed reading my article. 😊

I would like to invite @patjewell, @xkool24, @radjasalman, @sahmie, @weisser-rabe, @soulfuldreamer, @irawandedy, @sohanurrahman and @chant to join this contest through this link, if they have not already taken part in it.

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Author: @waqarahmadshah | Date: 15-Mar-2024 | Achievement 1
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Great Post...keep going

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