Steemit Engagement challenge (SEC)| S12W4-“My favorite household appliances”.steemCreated with Sketch.

in hive-147599 •  last year 

Hello friends,accept special greetings from my home-land Cameroon.Welcome to my blog today as I share with you people my thoughts.For this week4 engagement challenge.As the subject matter to be discuss is centered on “My favorite household appliances”.



The world today is an advanced one with numerous advance technology machines .Fabricated to used Inorder to eased human stress.Gone are those old day that people relied on traditional tools for their daily activities.Thanks to technology for making our work easy.Bases on the guidelines questions given.I will be sharing my thoughts base on house hold appliances I used in my house 👇below.I hope you find pleasure reading my content.

Name your favorites house hold appliances

My favorite household appliances I have in my home and I see it to be very necessary for my daily are:

  • refrigerator

  • Machine mixer for pestries

  • Machine blender

  • Television

  • Gascooker

  • Iron

What are the functions of the appliances

The following are the functions of the appliances I have named I have in my use.

Firstly I have refrigerator, this is a very essential element of my house hold appliances I made use and I has help me to store my cooked foodstuff, raw meat and fish .My refrigerator also served as a source to preserve species, drinks and fruits .It help all these things I have Listed to last longer than when it kept out of fridge which can get bad.


Secondly, I have machine mixer for pestries as one of the appliances in my home.I do cake and pestries for commercial purpose.This machine helps to facilitate my work without no stress than doing the work manually.I used to mix my ingridents for pestries to have a good texture.


Thirdly.I will talk of my machine blender.I used it to blend my my cocoyams , fruits juice and spices.This particular machine serves for many purposes as mentioned.This help me to take less time in preparing my ingredients.


Also,Television is one of the most electronic appliances I have at home .It help to follow news and be currents.About things that happen in the world.I also follow educative motives and series when is my leisure time .My kids watch cartoons and kids movies to entertain themselves.


In addition,I have Gascooker , it has both cooking side and oven which I use for baking or roasting fish or smoking meats.Also, it can be use using electricity.Food get ready fast on Gascooker and served time than other firer side .Also it easily regulates when cooking or baking than fire side.


Lastly, I have iron , it’s use for ironing clean dry dresses and bedsheet .To kill any insect or bacteria that may be on it may be during keeping or sun drying.Also it makes dresses to look well sharp and good.


How often do you use this appliances.

I have some particular appliances I used frequently in my house.I have a my Gascooker I use often my everyday for cooking and oven for baking my cakes and Pestries .Also warming war we on the Gascooker for tea or my kids to bath with .As well as my calm machine mixer , I use it Atleast 3 times a week to mix pestries my ingridents.

Also, two days can’t past with out me watching on following my desired programs on television like news .Everyday my drive is on because of the food I stored in side .For this reason my refrigerator have use for me everyday

As for my machine blender and Iron .I only use it when necessary.There less things I use in my house .If I iron dresses today it can take one or two weeks without ironing dresses.Until it dirty and wash it .Same with my machine blender .Is all the time I made fruits smoothies or blend species .

Can you stay for a day with our using this appliance , how long have you had these appliances in your home

Yes of course I can a day with using it .There some days you don’t have any thing to use it for .Atleast one or two days I can past without me using it .Especially when ENEO ceased electricity for days. For this reason you can’t work on it without electricity.

Immediately I got married in 2018, I started buying these appliances for my home use .This is because I saw I can’t do without this appliances .Gone are those days people use use traditional to do their things but now we are in an advance world that everyone need it comfort.

Can you remember how much you purchased this appliance in your local currency and in steem

Items of appliances in Cameroon cFA and steem currency

  • Television set 24 inches 170000 equivalent to 1577 steem.

  • Iron 15000frs equivalent to 139steem

  • Machine mixer size 10 pan 10kg equivalent to 1020steem.

  • Gascooker 160000frs equilibrium to 1484steem

  • machine blender 45000frs equivalent to 417steem

  • Refrigerator 170000frs equivalent to 1577

The above are the house hold appliances in my local currency and steem currency .I use and I see it important for my daily activities at home.

I have come to end of my presentation I would invites @Josepha @crismenia @anroja @crisevera and @ridwant. To participates with their entries.

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Hello @wirngo,
You have all the important household appliances that are needed for daily tasks.
I must say that you already know how important these devices will be before getting married that's why they were all in your budget.

Thanks for the details content
Many success in the contest!

Thanks friend there are very important for me because I use them before getting married and I know important the things are to me in my marital home .Thanks for engaging in my post .

You are welcome 🤗

Los electrodomésticos son utensilios indispensable para nuestro hogar, a diario lo utilizamos y son muy indispensable, nos hacen el trabajo más liviano y nos ahorramos tiempo

Thanks for engaging in my post .Eletroninc appliances are worth important for daily uses .

You mentioned all the household essentials. They are telling about usage. Indeed, they are badly needed in our daily work.

Thanks for reading through my post

Dear @wirnhgo it is nice to know that you have few favorite appliance that helps in your daily functions. All the appliances you listed are much useful. I see your fridge is stucked up with yummy food stuffs .... Good luck with the contest...... I also participated

Hello, friends, realizing the importance of the fact that EarthBreeze wants to completely change the way of washing and strives to meet the demands of its customers, I myself started using their services. To learn more about them, contact earthbreeze phone number, I'm sure they will be able to answer all your questions.

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