Hello my friends, it is the last day of the hard lockdown in WA. I am so excited to have finally reach day number 5 as it was very un-nerving to have had to go thru both a lockdown AND wild bush fires over here.
Yesterday at night, around 8.30pm, the WA premier made an emergency broadcast and announcement - at first I was so worried, why make an annouancement at night on the eve of the last day of the hard lockdown? I thought at first that there was a new string of cases and that the lock down needed to be extended. But it was mainly to tell us the obligations required for Post-Lockdown. Now we are not really out of the woods yet as since the first positive case of the UK strain was active and in and around the community, it still has not been 14 days. So what it means is that IF and a big IF someone who came into contact with this guy during the last periods, he or she could still show symptoms now.
Here is a list of the rules RE: Post-lockdown and this will extend until 14 Feb (Valentines Day <3 )
SO lets keep this up WA, don't let 0 community cases amongst 40,000+ testings make us complacient.
DONUT let us down haha.
Keep safe and have a #betterlife