This is for those who want a quick mix on a demo recording or if you record your DI guitars and want to have decent mix. There are some pro level tips and techniques for more experienced person too. All and all this will bring your mix to another level. I used DI guitars for this tutorial and the song is "For Whom The Bell Tolls" by Metallica. First off I use GGD drum library for all of my projects, it is the best virtual drums I've ever come across. So if you can afford it it's a nice investment. For my bass tone I use Neural DSP Darkglass Ultra which bassists know it's a beast of a pedal and they capture that unit into a plugin perfectly. I can't recommend these softwares enough. I also used Positive Grid Bias FX for guitars and for EQ and compression I used Fabfilter and Slate Digital plugins which you can use your favorite plugins instead. Let's hear how unprocessed and DI sounds like:
Let's hear the processed version:
My first move in every project is to add EQ and compression to my output or master bus so make it closer to more commercial sounds.
First plugin is Slate Digital VMR Neve equalizer which gives more liveliness around 5 kHz and more body and fatness around 110 Hz also there's high pass around 25 Hz to cutting unwanted low end. Next in line is another nice sounding equalizer with more transparent and neat character that boosts quite much around 12k for more shine and shimmer, and few decibels around 60 Hz for more thump on kick drum and sub harmonics. Our last one is a trimmer to keep the signal below clipping and red zone. Experiment with these instructions on your songs and see how this affects your recordings. I will continue our tone chasing in my next post. Cheers