Spring insists

in hive-148441 •  5 years ago 

My flowers in the house could not stand the quarantine. Maybe they decided that I was suffering and wanted to please me. This flower is called "Decembrist." I don’t know how to name it correctly. A few years ago I found a small twig in my porch. I don’t know how she ended up there, but I brought her home and put her in a glass of water. After a couple of days, I noticed that the plant produced small roots. So it wanted to live.

After a couple of weeks, the roots became larger and they were strong. A little land in a small pot and the plant has its place. Since then, he has grown, became dense, but never bloomed. This happened for the first time. Today I will find some ash / ashes to make nutritious syrup for my green friend. He deserved it.

Мои цветы в доме не выдержали карантина. Может быть они решили, что я тут страдаю и хотели меня порадовать. Этот цветок называется "декабрист". Как его назвать правильно я не знаю. Несколько лет назад я нашёл небольшую веточку в моём подъезде. Не знаю, как она там оказалась, но я принёс её домой и опустил в стакан с водой. Через пару дней я заметил, что растение выпустило маленькие корни. Значит оно хотело жить.

Через пару недель корней стало больше и они были крепкими. Немного земли в маленьький горшок и у растения появилось своё место. С тех пор он подрос, стал густым, но никогда не цвёл. Это случилось впервые. Сегодня я найду немного золы/пепла чтобы сделать питательный сироп для моего зелёного друга. Он это заслужил.

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я от него тащусь)) у меня редко что-то зацветает, хотя живут все и долго))

One name is Easter cactus, because of the flowering time. Schlumbergera gaertneri if you want to be scientific about it

Oh .. thanks, now I will know.
I like the second name more :-)



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In the USA the plant is known as a Christmas cactus but its real name is Schlumbergera. The unique shaped flowers are remarkable and as seen in your post quite photographic! @bambuka

Here is some information about the plant you might find interesting

I somehow managed to keep a Christmas cactus plant alive that used to belong to my dear brother. It's been 15 years since he died and the plant has given me several shoots I started. The original plant has nine pink flowers blooming this week after none the entire year. Signs of love from beyond!🌿🌺🌿

Yes, thanks for the information, I already read about it. Interesting plant. For all the time of its growth, it gave only one flower :-)