Expressing Emotions

in hive-148441 •  4 years ago 

How do you deal with your emotions?

The anger, sadness, happiness, rage, jealousy amongst could say that our emotions are part of what makes us human. Although, some are of the opinion that our emotions makes us weak or vulnerable but what is a human without emotion?

We cannot selectively numb emotions, when we numb the painful emotions, we also numb the positive emotions. ~ Brene Brown

Crying doesn't make you only shows you are human and you have feelings. Anger doesn't make you less is just you expressing your displeasure at the moment. In life we experience different kinds of emotions that remind us of moments in life that we can't go back to...what you felt at that time gives you a feeling of being alive. any other thing has its good and bad sides, that's why when asked to "be in control of your emotions" it means you shouldn't allow your emotions control or get the best of you. Trying as much as possible not to allow your emotions spiral out of control and finding ways to let off steam when needed. Even though I feel being in control of your emotion is a good thing, being able to manage them is more important....this is where knowing yourself comes in.

On the other hand, if I won't be contradicting as much as you want to be in control of those emotions, you should allow yourself accept and feel them sometimes. Cry, scream, yell or shout if you want because you can't avoid expressing your feelings for so long.

Instead of resisting any emotion, the best way to dispel it is to enter it fully, embrace it and see through your resistance. ~ Deepak Chopra

Original post written by bliss11

✨✨Click on images for the source, images used are from pixabay✨✨


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