in hive-148441 •  5 years ago 

Image by AnnaliseArt at

Hello guys, welcome to another episode of #questionandanswer where you get to know your favorite bloggers/vloggers better, in a more interesting way. I have with me here the guest for today's episode @adalger ...yay!!!

Image used by permission from @adalger

So am sure some of us are already acquainted with @adalger, well for those of us who are not then this is going to be a wonderful read for you as you get to know and learn interesting things about @adalger ....well am not excluded, learning new things about people are always so fascinating for me.

@adalger is a one of the amazing friends I met in steem terminal, he is known for his wonderful blogs on "Amazing Nature" and also runs a Amazing Nature if you are a nature lover and you love to take photographs of them then I suggest you check his contest post. Now to the photo of our guest.....

Image is provided by my guest @adalger

Let's get to know more about @adalger...

How do people describe you and how would you describe yourself?

People always describe me as super optimistic and always happy. I have this tendency to wake up with a smile and am somehow incapable of losing it. Of course, there are also bad days, and those days on which I am sad, but this never lasts for long. I always tell people that they are free to choose to see something in a positive or a negative way. It is just a matter of opinion which one you like to choose and I have the habit to always choose the positive point of view. I am also quite talented in cheering people up.

If you were a season what would you be?

If I were a season, I would be the winter. From all the seasons I like the winter the most and it fits to my personality in a way. This season is a very calm one. It is the time of the year where we are leaning back to go into ourselves and to reflect about everything that happened and that could be. The season of winter symbolizes for me the reflection about life, and the clarifying of the mind. Calm and meditative.

Where is your favorite spot in home?

My favorite spot at home is the couch. Whenever I come back home, I like to lay down there for at least half an hour, doing nothing special, just relaxing. Normally my cats are already waiting there to be cuddled and my son will come there too quickly.

Image is provided by my guest @adalger

Then we are all just sitting there together, doing nothing but nonsense or babbling around. I really enjoy that rather relaxing moments. For this purpose, we even bought us a huge couch where we all fit onto together easily.

What is the most silliest habit people exhibit that ticks you off?

I am actually very hard to tick off. But there is one thing that I really hate and that can make me go crazy. It’s when people are desperately trying to want to have the last word. Do you know that moments when you think that everything is settled, when you turn around and suddenly hear a last quiet and unclear murmuring? I hate this. Nowadays I learned to just ignore it, but it still always raises my blood pressure dramatically.

What is the best part of your personality?

Image is provided by my guest @adalger

I would say it’s my patience and persistence. I have to admit that I am really hard to motivate to try out new things, but if I tackle something I am always willing to keep on going until whatever I started is finished completely, no matter how long it takes or demotivating it gets sometimes. I am one of those all or nothing guys.

From experience, what lesson would you want others to learn?

"Don’t worry too much about it!". I too often see people that are worrying to much about nearly everything. They are worrying about their future grades, jobs and careers, about if an evening with others will end up as good as they hope and what they should talk with them about, about where they are going first once they reach their holiday destination and what they should do if it’s raining out of the sudden, and about so much more. It is an endless list.

From my experience the time that I worried about something, in 90% of all the cases, this was wasted time worrying about anything at all. Most often things happen in another unpredictable way that changed the cards in your hand out of the sudden. Even small plans, long-time goals and maybe situations that we were aiming onto are suddenly replaced by others. But nevertheless, we were still worrying about it, which creates some unnecessary stress that we could have easily avoided by just not worrying to much about something.

What is your most valued item?

This would be my guitar. Since I was 6 years old up to the age of 21 years, I was learning to play the classical guitar in the music school. Playing the guitar accompanied me throughout my whole youth and was maybe the best possible therapy I can ever imagine. If you are not playing an instrument by yourself this maybe very hard to understand, but the guitar was my best friend during my youth, giving me rest and security whenever needed, and always had an open ear for all my complains.

Image is provided by my guest @adalger

Music, especially playing an instrument, can be an awesome experience. Nowadays my old classical guitar rests in the guitar case safely, but my other travel guitar, a far smaller version that I can take outside with me easily, is still in constant use wherever I go. When it comes to playing, I prefer Blues. I also have several Blues Harps at home, but my wife is not a fan of them, as they are extremely loud, and they are forbidden to play inside.

What movie character would you rather be?

I do not know if you could count him as a classic movie character, as he rather started out as a classical comic character, but it would be Batman for sure! When I was a youngster there was no such thing like a TV for me as my mom disliked it, but only a radio and a comic book from time to time. Nowadays I am happy about being raised in these times as I learned to know and love all this old-school stuff like real-life friends and actual playing outside in the real and dirty nature. Most often when we played superheroes, I choose to be Batman.

What is the best advice you can give to someone?

There are many advises that I would like to give to others, but the one that I find is the most important one would be: "Stay true to yourself!". I too often see nowadays that people are pretending to be someone that they are not but assume they should be due to social pressure. This starts at the clothes you are wearing and the make-up that you are putting in your face.

I recently saw a large group of some maybe 12-year-old girls in the city that were all dressed up like going to a photo shoot contest, but they were all looking exactly same. It is so weird. But what I am afraid of is, that it also extends to your personality and influences how you behave, and how you are representing yourself to the outer world.

Do you like to wear fancy hats that everyone is laughing about? Or do you love to juggle with balls wherever you go, and people are shouting "Clown" to you? Then just try to ignore them and "Stay true to yourself!". I believe that you should not care what others are thinking, that you should not squeeze yourself into a representation that you are not feeling to fit in. It just makes you unhappy.

Start to think for yourself about what’s right and don’t let people tell you what you should be thinking. Just dare to be who you like to be and don’t feel ashamed of it. I know it is hard nowadays in a time where everything is about Social Media and those Influenza stars. Back in the days people called this "Character" and we all should dare to have our own.

What inspired your Amazing Nature Contest?

I really love to be out in nature, no matter if it is for camping, hiking or just sitting in the park. I prefer those places which are still wild and inviolate by humans. Being at those places, watching my surroundings carefully and attentive, kind of calm me down completely, leaves me always fascinated about what a beautiful and wonderful place we human are blessed to live at, and simply leaves me deeply happy every time.

Image is provided by my guest @adalger

I know that here on Steem there are many people that feel just the same and I wanted to bring all of them together so that we can share this passion with each other. So, I initialized the Amazing Nature Contest which aims to bring all the diversity of beauty from Mother Nature from different perspectives and out of various motivations under one roof. It is something that I really enjoy doing and a goal that I want to dedicate all my time on the blockchain.

This is an amazing read thanks to @adalger ....I mean I had to read it over and over again as it was so interesting to read. I hope you all enjoyed the read too. A big thank you to @adalger for being on today's episode of #questionandanswer, it was great and fun having to interview you, thank you for your actually made it easy for me, I appreciate your kindness.

Image from: Bitmoji

So guys, this is where I draw the curtain for today's episode of #questionandanswer, send in your nominations of someone you want to see as a guest here or drop questions you would love to see answers to....I remain your humble host....Bliss11.


Have a lovely day guys!!

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Okay.. I'd check out..thanks.

Posted using Partiko Android

Wow thats great @bliss11 😁 .. Thank you very much for choosing me for an interview, I am feeling honored 😊

Thank you for you politeness and time.. I so appreciate it. 🤗

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