Digital portrait of Scarface

in hive-148441 •  4 years ago 


What's up, folks? Welcome to a new artwork of Scarface, this idea was recommended to me by a fellow telegram that is called Jesus Z and well as I liked the film quite a lot and I have spent several times a game that is partly inspired by it seemed tremendous idea, so I started drawing using an image as a reference.

Que pasa compañeros? sean bienvenidos a un nuevo trabajo artístico de caracortada, esta idea me la recomendó un compañero de telegram que se llama Jesus Z y bueno como me gusto bastante la película y me he pasado varias veces un juego que esta en parte inspirado en ella me pareció tremenda idea, por eso comencé a dibujar utilizando una imagen como referencia.

By the way, I didn't go upstairs yesterday because I was sick.



Sketch and Lineart / Boceto y Lineart

The first thing I started to do was the hand sketch, because I think it is the first "portrait" you could say that I do, at the end of the sketch with shadows and everything is passed to the SAI to start making the lineart, something that I noticed after I finished painting everything, it was the eyes, I feel that I made them too big and it is too late to fix it, however I think that it is the artistic drawing to which I have dedicated more time and the one that better has remained in spite of the errors that will be solved in the next drawings :).

Lo primero que comencé hacer fue el boceto a mano, pues creo que es el primer "retrato" se podría decir que hago, al finalizar el boceto con sombras y todo lo pase al SAI para comenzar a realizar el lineart, algo que note después de terminar de pintar todo, fueron los ojos, siento que los hice muy grandes y ya es muy tarde para arreglarlo, sin embargo creo que es el dibujo artístico al cual mas tiempo le he dedicado y el que mejor me ha quedado a pesar de los error que se solucionaran en los próximos dibujos:).


Shadows / Sombras

It's probably the drawing I've put the most shadows to, it was very difficult to make the little details of the shadow with just the mouse, in shadows I spent about 3 hours, blurring and removing them until I liked it and it looked as much as possible like Scarface.

Probablemente sea el dibujo al cual mas sombras le he puesto, estaba bien difícil hacerlo los pequeños detalles de sombra con solo el mouse, en sombras le dedique aproximadamente unas 3 horas, difuminando y quitando hasta que me gustara y se pareciera lo mas posible a Caracortada.






Hair / Pelo

This is the first time that I do in hair in the phone, I had to send it there because I needed to do a much better hair than I normally do and with the mouse I couldn't, however I didn't like any program for phone drawing until I found IbisPaint X, once I finish the hair I export it in png to go back to sai and start adding the shadows and glosses to the hair.

Esta es la primera vez que hago en pelo en el teléfono, tuve que mandarlo para allá porque necesitaba hacer un pelo mucho mejor del que hago normalmente y con el mouse no se podía, sin embargo no me gustaba ningún programa para teléfono de dibujo hasta que encontré IbisPaint X, una vez termino el pelo lo exporto en png para volver a sai y comenzar agregar las sombras y brillos al pelo.






Details / Detalles

In this part we add more shadows and details within those shadows. Here we were to finish so we blurred the remaining lines to remove them and ready work finished.

En esta parte agregamos mas sombras y detalles dentro de esas sombras. Aquí ya estábamos para finalizar así que difuminamos las lineas restantes que quedan para eliminarlas y listo trabajo terminado.







10 hours in 5 seconds.


Time: 10 hours

Thank you for watching @Brataka

this post was first published in hive

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