Hola queridos amigos de la comunidad espero se encuentre bien hoy quiero compartir con ustedes lo que me gusta lo que me apasiona, yo soy mecanico de moto y me gusta mucho restaurarla comprenta ya he restaurando mas de una y una de ella fue una moto bc 110 color azul que me llevo un cliente para pintarla y reparar el motor esta moto le dice de todo y a la final quedo como nueva me gusto y me encanto al verle la cara de alegria y sorprendido al cliente.
Hello dear friends of the community, I hope you are well, today I want to share with you what I like, what I am passionate about, I am a motorcycle mechanic and I really like restoring them, I have already restored more than one and one of them was a blue BC 110 motorcycle that a client brought me to paint it and repair the engine, this motorcycle says it all and in the end it was like new, I liked it and I was delighted to see the happy and surprised face of the client.