Saludos queridos amigos de la comunidad de gems hace un tiempo fui para un centro comercial en la ciudad de popayan y jutamente como a las 8 de la noche comenzó prendieron la fuente que habia en todo el media del centro comercial y a la vez comenzo a sonar un piano y a medida que iva sonando el piano se movia los chorros de agua y las luces eso era un espectáculo ver como la fuerte salia agua a medida que tocaba el piano.
Greetings dear friends of the gems community, a while ago I went to a shopping center in the city of Popayan and exactly at about 8 at night they started turning on the fountain that was in the middle of the shopping center and at the same time a piano began to play and as the piano was playing the jets of water and the lights moved, it was a spectacle to see how the strong water came out as the piano was played.