Lock down has been a different experience depending on which country you reside in and where you live. I feel sorry for the people that live in flats who don't have a garden to at least sit outside in. I have a pool and the pump stopped the other day and now resembles more of a duck pond.
I was thinking today if I knew when the next lock down was going to occur would I change my set up where I am currently. I must admit I wouldn't hesitate as my house has suddenly become a lot smaller over the last 5 weeks and is kind of too small for all of us to survive without strangling each other. It is amazing how everyone has found their spot in the house and you may as well put up no trespassing signs. It suits me as I have the lounge with the tv and a spot for my laptop plus it is close to the kitchen.
Going to work and coming home is very different to staying at home permanently. Going to the supermarket has been the highlight of the last 5 weeks for me and I hate queuing. I think just breaking the norm from a mundane routine has been refreshing. I have my permit to continue with my business ,but that is not really true as there is no business happening right now. Only have had one order in 5 weeks which is not great and will most likely get some this week, but in truth everyone is dead quiet.
I was warned about customers now phoning for stock who we haven't dealt with before. These are the customers no one wants as they have no money and their businesses are on their last legs. I know all about that as the last company I was at I had to arrange the trucking and we were not good payers. Surely people would be on high alert to as to why someone is now phoning them for their services. If they are ego driven maybe they think it is their good looks or something, but it is amazing that how many companies will fall for this as they are just as desperate.
Luckily we have been expanding over this period and have bought some new machines. This may give us an edge over others but I think it is more about surviving this year than expanding just yet. I am sure some companies will fold, but others will join forces cutting down their costs. We are as lean as we are ever going to be as there is just me in Johannesburg and we need to grow our client base quicker than we have.
Who knows when the next lock down is going to occur and as much as I would like to be in the Maldives sipping cocktails I need to make some money first.I think this break would have put many firecrackers up peoples backsides and there is no time to waste once this lock down is lifted.