Hello friends,
New year greetings from Bangladesh. Happy new year to all. Today is the first day of Boishak. Boishak is the starting month of Bangla calendar. Every year we celebrate the new year with great joy irrespective of religious belief. This is the only celebration where people from all classes come to a same platform and celebrate the day with great harmony.
History of Bangla new year
The Bangla new year was initiated during the Mughal ruling in this subcontinent. For proper tax collection from the subject, emperor Akbar decided to introduce a new calendar combining the lunar and Islamic calendar together. Then the royal astronomer of Mughal empire Fathullah Shirazi created this Bangla new year calendar for the Bangla speaking people. This calendar is also followed by the people of Kolkata, India. Nevertheless, they follow this in a modified way.
However, in Bangladesh the calendar was modified and implemented in 1987 where the first five months of Bangla year adjusted to 31 days. The remaining months were kept 30 days each. Considering this, Bangla new year comes on 14th April every year.
New year celebration
After the end of Chaitra Shonkranti(last month of the Bangla year) the nation prepares to celebrate the new year. The new year program starts from early in the morning. In Dhaka City the program is centred in Shahabag and Dhaka University area. The students of fine arts department make different statues for Mongal shovajatra (procession). There is an inauguration of the program in Ramna park before the procession. Renowned singers from Sayanot sing new year song in this program to welcome the new year.
People from every religion and belief join this Mongal Shovajatra to celebrate the new year. I along with my family participated this rally many times and enjoyed a lot. Students of art department prepare many symbolic statues for the new year which were presented in the rally.
There is a different food tradition in this day. People take ‘Panta Ilish ’ on this day. This food is presented in a clay pot.
New year celebration in rural areas
People living in the villages also celebrate this day with great joy and enthusiasm. The businessman and shop owners celebrate this day to get the previous dues. This is called the ‘Haal Khata’ (opening a new ledger). The traders provide sweets to their customers after getting the previous payments. Different village fair also take place on this day. People try to wear new dresses to attend the fair. They buy various items from the fair as per their choice.
Digital new year celebration
Bangla new year celebration is now a history. Coronavirus have taken away all the joy of Pohela Boishak (first day of new year) this year. We are celebrating digital new year this year. This is really a sad news for the countrymen who are very much enthusiastic to celebrate such programs in an open air.
Although all the TV channels are broadcasting digital new year programs, people are not happy at all. Knowing the current situation we have nothing to do even. Coronavirus have taken all the joy from us.
Finally, hope for better days to come so that we can celebrate the day properly next year. Till then, stay home and celebrate digital New Year.