Pictures of dragonfly while eating mosquitoes

in hive-148441 •  4 years ago 

Hello Friends, Hope you all are well and enjoying your time

I am an amateur photographer. I always like to take micro pictures. So, to do this, my favourite subject is insects. Although it is difficult to capture micro level pictures of moving objects, but I enjoy doing this. Few weeks ago I was travelling to my wife’s hometown. The environment was cool. There was greenery as far as the sight can reach. Insects love this kind of natural environment. There were many insects. So, today I will present few dragonfly pictures in front of you.

While I was roaming around the garden, I found a dragonfly was sitting on a stick. Slowly I moved close to it and saw it was eating a mosquito. I had never seen such amazing scenario earlier. So, I captured few pictures. Here is the first snap where the dragonfly has caught the mosquito and started eating.


Here is the second picture where the dragonfly has already eaten the half of the mosquito.


Here is the picture where it has almost completed the eating of the poor mosquito.


I had to give much effort to capture the dragonfly pictures. As you all know dragonflies always keep on moving from one place to another place. I had to keep my patience and wait for the right time to click to capture those pictures. Some more pictures.





Although there was much rainfall in this month, but fortunately that day was quite sunny. So, I got the perfect environment to capture the dragonfly pictures. Here are some more pictures.




It took me almost one hour to capture these pictures. I took more than 100 pictures. Sharing few of those in the blog. Here are some other pictures.



Insects are an important part of our ecosystem. It maintains the balance of our environment. The first three pictures are the real example of this. The dragonfly was eating the harmful mosquitoes. However, insects need natural environment for their survival. As human being, we should ensure that.


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Such a beautiful macro photography of dragonfly. You captured it very closely. Then we can explore every body characteristic very clearly. Nice effort brother.